Returns information about all lab instance results that have recently started or ended
    • 15 Aug 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read

    Returns information about all lab instance results that have recently started or ended

    Article summary


    The LatestResults command returns information about all lab instance results that have recently changed state.

    API Key
    Header parameter nameapi_key

    All methods require an API key, which must be obtained from Skillable. This key is used by Skillable to validate your account. The key can be passed as an HTTP request header with the header name "api_key".

    Query parameters
    integer (int64) Required

    Lab instances that have changed state within this many minutes of the current time will be included. This value cannot exceed 10,080 (7 days)


    OK Response.

    Example response returning information about all lab instance results that have recently changed state
      "Results": [
          "LabInstanceId": 349744,
          "LabProfileId": 5522,
          "Start": 1325376800,
          "End": 1325376900,
          "LastActivity": 1325376899,
          "UserId": "555",
          "ClassId": null,
          "CompletionStatus": 1,
          "TotalRunTimeSeconds": 2548,
          "TaskCompletePercent": 33,
          "IsExam": false,
          "ExamPassed": null,
          "ExamScore": null,
          "ExamMaxPossibleScore": null,
          "ExamPassingScore": null,
          "IpAddress": null,
          "Country": null,
          "Region": null,
          "City": null,
          "Latitude": null,
          "Longitude": null,
          "LabHostId": 49,
          "DatacenterId": 3,
          "DeliveryRegionId": 2
          "LabInstanceId": 349745,
          "LabProfileId": 5523,
          "Start": 1325377000,
          "End": 1325377100,
          "LastActivity": 1325377099,
          "UserId": "555",
          "ClassId": null,
          "CompletionStatus": 1,
          "TotalRunTimeSeconds": 4168,
          "TaskCompletePercent": 44,
          "IsExam": false,
          "ExamPassed": null,
          "ExamScore": null,
          "ExamMaxPossibleScore": null,
          "ExamPassingScore": null,
          "IpAddress": null,
          "Country": null,
          "Region": null,
          "City": null,
          "Latitude": null,
          "Longitude": null,
          "LabHostId": 125,
          "DatacenterId": 4,
          "DeliveryRegionId": 3
      "Status": 1,
      "Error": null
    Expand All
    Array of object

    Array of LabResult.

    integer (int64)

    The unique identifier of the lab instance.

    integer (int32)

    The unique identifier of the lab profile the lab instance is based on.

    integer (int64)

    When the lab was started (in Unix epoch time).

    integer (int64) | null

    When the lab ended (in Unix epoch time).

    integer (int64) | null

    The last time the student interacted with the lab (in Unix epoch time).

    string | null

    The unique identifier of the user, as represented in your system.

    string | null

    The unique identifier of the class the lab is related to, as represented in your system.

    integer (int32)

    1 = Cancelled
    2 = No Show
    3 = Incomplete
    4 = Complete
    10 = Storage Provisioning Failed
    20 = Lab Creation Failed
    30 = Resume Failed
    40 = Save Failed
    50 = Submitted For Grading
    60 = Grading In Progress

    integer (int32)

    The total number of seconds the lab was running, whether or not the student was present.

    integer (int32)

    If the lab has integrated tasks, the percentage of tasks that the user has completed.

    boolean | null

    Indicates whether the lab is scored.

    boolean | null

    Indicates whether the user passed the lab. Will only be set if the lab has activities which have been scored.

    integer (int32) | null

    Indicates the lab score. Will only be set if the lab has activities which have been scored.

    integer (int32) | null

    Indicates the maximum possible score of the lab. Will only be set if the lab has activities which have been scored.

    integer (int32) | null

    Indicates the minimum score required to pass the lab. Will only be set if the lab has activities which have been scored.

    string | null

    The user's IP address. This is only included if the IP address was provided when the lab was launched.

    string | null

    The user's country as determined by IP address geolocation. This is only included if the IP address was provided when the lab was launched.

    string | null

    The user's state/region as determined by IP address geolocation. This is only included if the IP address was provided when the lab was launched.

    string | null

    The user's city as determined by IP address geolocation. This is only included if the IP address was provided when the lab was launched.

    number | null

    The user's latitude as determined by IP address geolocation. This is only included if the IP address was provided when the lab was launched.

    number | null

    The user's longitude as determined by IP address geolocation. This is only included if the IP address was provided when the lab was launched.


    The ID of the lab host server that the lab instance is housed on.


    The ID of the datacenter that the lab instance is located in.


    When specified, Skillable will attempt to launch the lab in the specified delivery region if a suitable host in that region is available and all required storage is available in that region. Delivery regions can be found using the DeliveryRegions command or Catalog command. Using the ipAddress parameter will result in a more reliable geo-location of the lab for the end user.

    integer (int32)

    Indicates the status of the API request.
    0 = Error
    1 = Success

    string | null

    In the event of an error, this will contain a detailed error message.

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