Returns statistics about how many labs are currently active and saved
    • 15 Aug 2024
    • 1 Minute to read

    Returns statistics about how many labs are currently active and saved

    Article summary


    The Stats command returns statistics about how many labs are currently active and saved.
    NOTE: there are no query parameters for this command.

    API Key
    Header parameter nameapi_key

    All methods require an API key, which must be obtained from Skillable. This key is used by Skillable to validate your account. The key can be passed as an HTTP request header with the header name "api_key".


    OK Response.

    Example of returning statistics about how many labs are currently active and saved
      "NumActive": 571,
      "NumSaved": 451,
      "Status": 1,
      "Error": null
    integer (int32)

    The number of currently active labs (starting, running, tearing down, saving, resuming, etc).

    integer (int32)

    The number of currently saved labs.

    integer (int32)

    Indicates the status of the API request.
    0 = Error
    1 = Success

    string | null

    In the event of an error, this will contain a detailed error message.

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