Accessibility Best Practices
    • 10 Sep 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Accessibility Best Practices

    Article summary

    Accessibility features and considerations allow people to understand and navigate electronic information and systems. Implementing the best practices described in this document will help users maximize their lab experience.


    • All buttons, links, and detail sections in lab instructions should be labeled to make it clear what the intention is.

    • Unit of measurement should be written in simple terms. (e.g., use 1 hour, 30 minutes, instead of 90 minutes)

    • Start each page of lab instructions with a header that clearly describes the page. This will make the Next button identify the page.

    • Highlight key differences between similar answer choices.

    • Don't use color as your only indication of a message, include a written message as well. (e.g. red means indicates an incorrect answer, green indicates a correct answer)

    • When a user is expected to interact with a button, be clear about the location and name of the button. The location should also include cues for learners who are visually impaired.

      • For example, use “in the panel on the right hand side of the screen” instead of simply “on the right-hand side of the screen.”

    • If images are being included, always use alt text with clear a description, and consider how a screen reader will read the image's alt text.

    • Avoid using an ampersand (&) instead of the word “and”, to ensure screen reader software is able to read it correctly.


    • When using tables, consider the instruction window width and ensure there is adequate spacing between the table column lines.

      • Is is recommended to use no more than 3 columns in tables.

    • When referencing UI or UI elements, add images to aid in understanding the UI or UI element.

    • Balance the use of succinct language structures while still being inclusive of all necessary information.

    • When possible, limit the amount of information presented per line and provide spacing between lines.

    • Use consistent writing style and format across lab instructions of the same type.

    • Clearly delineate between elements of a problem (information, question, link or instructions for answering the question).

      • Use IDLx Knowledge, Alert, Note, Help and Hint blocks.

      • Use IDLx Knowledge, Help and Hint links.

      • For more information about IDLx blocks and links, see our Markdown User Guide.

    • When displaying multiple items that are of the same topic, uses lists to make it easier for users to read quickly and easily.

    Sizing and Visibility

    • Ensure a foreground:background contrast ratio is at least 4.5:1

      • Check for difficulty with URL elements while in high contrast color themes.

      • Check for difficulty in differentiating between bold and normal text.

    • If a custom theme is used in lab instructions, all buttons should be sized for optimal precision.

      • Use appropriate header sizes to differentiate between page/section titles and lab instruction content.

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