AWS Cloud Log Transfer
    • 10 Sep 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read

    AWS Cloud Log Transfer

    Article summary

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Trail logging enables the ability to audit all cloud logs in a user session and store those logs in a storage location. After logs are captured, they are transferred to AWS CloudWatch, then to an S3 storage bucket and then finally to an SFTP storage location.

    The client is responsible for providing the SFTP location.

    To Configure the organization to use an SFTP, the following information must be provided.

    • Configure Site

    • Configure Directory

    • Configure Username

    • Configure Password

    AWS Cloud Trail logging requires configuration in AWS and in Skillable Studio.

    • Enable Allow Cloud Log Transfer for your organization in Skillable Studio

    • Create an AWS Cloud Trail

    • Create an S3 bucket in AWS

    • Enable CloudWatch Logs in AWS

    • Configure Cloud Log Transfer settings in an Skillable Studio subscription pool

    Enable Cloud Log Transfer for Your Organization

    To use Cloud Log Transfer, your organization must have the feature enabled. To enable the feature for your organization, please contact our customer support team.

    Create AWS Cloud Trail

    1. Log in to the AWS management portal.

    2. Go to the CloudTrail service page.

    3. Once you are on the CloudTrail service page, click Dashboard on the left side of the page.

    4. Click Create Trail.

    Choose Trail Attributes

    General Details

    1. Trail Name: enter a display name for your trail.

    2. Click the checkbox next to Enable for all accounts in my organization. If this is not enabled, some user logs may not be captured.

    3. Select the option Create new S3 bucket.

    4. The Trail log bucket and folder name will be entered automatically. If you would like to rename your folder prefix or S3 bucket name, you may do so. The S3 bucket name must be globally unique.

    5. Log file SSE-KMS encryption: this option is enabled by default, leave this option enabled.

    6. AWS KMS customer managed CMK: ensure that New is selected.

      • Enter a KMS alias.

    7. Log File validation is enabled by default, leave this option enabled.

    8. SNS notification delivery is disabled by default. If you have SNS configured already, you can enable this and enter your SNS configuration information.

    CloudWatch Logs

    1. CloudWatch Logs: Check the box to enable CloudWatch Logs.

    2. Log Group: select New.

    3. Log group name will be entered automatically.

    4. IAM Role: select New.

    5. Role name: Enter a Role name. AWS suggests using this format: CloudTrailRoleForCloudWatchLogs_trail-name

    6. Click Next.

    Choose Log Events


    1. Event Type: Management Events is enabled by default. This will allow capture of management operations performed on your AWS resources.

    Management Events

    1. API activity: Read and Write are enabled by default. These options need to be enabled.

    2. Click Next.

    Review and Create

    1. Review the CloudTrail configuration. If any changes need to be made, make the changes before clicking Create Trail.

    2. Click Create Trail.

    Next, we need to create an S3 bucket.

    Create S3 Bucket

    1. From the AWS Management Console, go to the S3 service page.

    2. Click Create Bucket.

    General configuration

    1. Bucket name: enter a unique Bucket name.

    2. Select the region where the S3 bucket will be created. The region must be the same region as the Home Region where the CloudTrail was created. The CloudTrail will be located in the region selected in the AWS Management Console during creation.

    Block Public Access Settings for Bucket

    1. Block All public access is enabled by default. If this is not set to block all public access, public users may access be able to access logs.

    Bucket Versioning

    1. Bucket versioning is disabled by default.

    Tags - optional

    1. configure tabs if you wish. Tags are not necessary to enable this feature.

    Default Encryption

    1. Server-side encryption is disabled by default.

    Click Create Bucket.

    Confirm CloudTrail and CloudWatch are configured correctly

    1. In AWS, go to the CloudWatch service page.

    2. Click Log Groups on the left side of the page.

    3. Select your Log Group.

    4. Click the Log stream name at the bottom of the page.

    5. You should see events on this page.

      • If see events, CloudTrail and CloudWatch are configured correctly in AWS.

      • If you do not see events, review all previous steps and ensure a step was not missed or misconfigured.

    Gather Information and Configure Skillable Studio

    Next, we need to gather some information in AWS and use it to configure the subscription pool in Skillable Studio. In this section you should have your Skillable Studio subscription pool open, as well as the AWS Management Console.

    Skillable Studio Subscription Pool

    1. Navigate to your Skillable Studio subscription Pool and click Edit.

    2. Go to the Cloud Log Transfer tab.

    3. Check the box next to Enable Cloud Log Transfer.

    4. Continue to the next step in AWS.


    1. In a separate browser tab or window, navigate to the AWS portal, and ensure you are logged into the same account as previous steps.

    2. Gather the required information below and configure in the Skillable Studio subscription pool.

      Cloud Watch Log Group

      1. In AWS, go to the CloudTrail service page.

      2. Click Trails on the left side of the page.

      3. Note the Home Region where your Trail is created.

      4. Click the name of the Trail that you created.

      5. Copy the value for the Log group under CloudWatch Logs.

      6. In the Skillable Studio subscription pool, enter the Log Group name into the Cloud Watch Log Group field.

      7. In the Skillable Studio subscription pool, select the region that matches the home region of your CloudTrail.

      Cloud Log Staging

      1. In AWS, go to the S3 service page.

      2. Click the name of the S3 bucket you created.

      3. Copy bucket name at the top of the page.

      4. In the Skillable Studio subscription pool, enter the S3 bucket name in the Cloud Log Staging field.

    In the Skillable Studio subscription pool, SFTP settings can be overridden if needed. If SFTP settings are overridden the pool will not use the SFTP settings that are configured on the organization profile, and SFTP settings will need to be entered into the subscription pool.

    Save the Skillable Studio subscription pool. Cloud Trail Log Transfer is now configured and logs will be captured for all lab launches that use the subscription pool.

    Reviewing Logs

    Logs are transferred to the SFTP storage within 4 hours after they are captured.

    To view logs:

    1. Log into the SFTP storage location.

    2. logs will separated by lab instance ID in JSON files.

    3. Logs will display events in the order that they occurred.

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