Configuring Instructor Profiles
    • 16 Aug 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read

    Configuring Instructor Profiles

    Article summary

    As an instructor on the Skillable Training Management Systems (TMS), you will want to make sure that your account reflects your competencies and availability. Configuring the below settings under your account will ensure that administrators can properly assign you to deliveries as needed.

    Best Practices for Using Contract Instructor Pools

    Contract Instructor Pool accounts are only required for instructors that teach for multiple Organizations at once and wish to use a unified login to access the labs for all their classes. Instructors who only teach with one organization can simply have their administrator create an account for that organization.

    Organizations must opt in to this option by selecting Use Contract Instructor Pool Instructors for their organization's settings; if this option is not selected, only instructors from their organization will be visible for assignment. If the organization needs this setting updated and cannot find the option, they may open a support for assistance with this update.

    Contact Instructor Pool

    A Contract Instructor is an instructor who is available to work for multiple organizations. Any instructor may choose to be a contract instructor. Any organization using Skillable's TMS platform that opts in to use contract instructors can search for qualified instructors based on the competencies they have set up, can view some of the contract instructor's contact information, and schedule instructors for their Classes.

    Organizations that choose to use contract instructors will see contract instructors when they search for instructors on the Find Instructors search page. They will also be able to view name, email address, phone numbers, city, state, zip code and country listed within the user profile. The organization cannot view the user profile but can pull this information using output options on the Find Instructors page. They cannot see organizations you have taught for or which organization your user account is under in the TMS.

    This feature allows a contract instructor to discretely teach for multiple organizations. You can access all of your classes for various organizations using the same login credentials; you do not have to have multiple accounts for each organization you are teaching for. Once you are scheduled in the TMS to teach a class with an organization, you will see the event show up on your instructor calendar. The simplest way to access a class you are teaching is from your instructor calendar. However, best practice is to login from the organization's URL so that when you display your screen it will show the organization's logo.

    We offer access to be a contract instructor and use contract instructors as a convenience for all parties. We do not certify any instructors or verify their qualifications to teach a course. All communication, scheduling, contracted rates and payment are the responsibility of the booking organization and the instructor.

    Opt In to be a Contract Instructor

    If you would like to opt in to become a contract instructor, you need to enable the setting on your user profile. To access your user profile:

    1. From the top right corner of any page, select your name or if available, the expand pick list beside your name and select View account.
    2. On your user profile page, select Edit.
    3. Open the Instructor Information tab, check the box for Is Contract Instructor.
    4. Select Save.

    Update Instructor Competencies

    Instructor Competencies allow you to show the courses you are qualified to teach. Using this feature shows organizations using contract instructors the courses you can teach. Please note, it is each instructor's responsibility to keep their instructor competencies up to date.

    Access Instructor Competencies

    To access the Instructor Competencies:

    1. Navigate to your user profile.
    2. Select Instructor Competencies under the Instructor Information section.
    3. On the Instructor Competencies page, select Add course competency. This brings up the Choose Course dialog.
    4. Search for and select all the courses you would like to add to your competency list and select OK.
    5. Under Certified, Prepared, and Attended, check the ones that apply.
    6. To remove a competency, you can select the Remove button.
    7. Once you have added competencies, organizations are able filter by course name and view those qualified to teach the course.

    Update Instructor Availability

    Setting times that you are unavailable to teach is important for administrators scheduling classes. This time is displayed on the Instructor Schedule, can be specifically searched for from the Site Administration page, and is part of the schedule conflict filter on the Choose Instructor dialog box.

    Set Unavailable Times

    To set times when you are unavailable:

    1. Select Admin to open the Admin menu and click Create Instructor Blockout Time in the Instructors group.
    2. Type a Name and Description for the blockout time. The name will be visible to anyone who can see Instructor Blockout Times and links to the page displaying the description as well as the Start and End of the blockout time.
    3. Set the Start date and time for when you are not available using the date and time selectors.
    4. Set the End date and time and select Save.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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