Creating Achievements to Motivate Learners
    • 13 Aug 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read

    Creating Achievements to Motivate Learners

    Article summary

    Achievements are a feature to recognize an accomplishment with the TMS platform. An achievement is automatically triggered by an action being completed in the platform, such as, a user launched a lab, completed a lab, completed a Course or a set of courses. You can create achievements that your students earn automatically through their Skillable TMS activities and use them to motivate your students, especially if associated with external Badges. Users can choose to participate in achievements from their profile.

    Achievement Terminology

    There are several terms (fields) you will need to know before you start to create achievements:

    • Points - the point value you set based on the achievement's value compared to other achievements you have for your organization. This number is completely up to you. You can create achievements that are earned based on the number of points a student has earned from other achievements.
    • Frequency – the number of times an achievement may be earned.
    • Frequency Type – qualifies the frequency. You can select from one of the following options:
      • Per User - each student can earn the achievement up to the Frequency number set;
      • Per Day - only one student can earn the achievement within the Frequency number of days;
      • Per Achievement - the achievement can only be earned the Frequency number of times total.
    • Conditions - the conditions for earning the achievement. They are written in JSON.

    Create an Achievement

    To create an achievement:

    1. On the Admin menu, select Achievements in the Organization group.
    2. On the Find Achievements page, select Create Achievement on the upper right side.
    3. On the Create Achievement page, complete the Basic Information tab:
      1. Name
      2. Description
      3. Organization
      4. Points
      5. Frequency
      6. Frequency Type
    4. (Optional) Next to Badge, click Choose to open the Choose Badge dialog if the achievement will earn the student a badge from the outside Badge Provider.
    5. Search for and select the badge and select OK.
    6. Select the Conditions tab and enter the JSON conditions for earning the achievement.
    7. Select Save.

    Track Achievements

    Once you have created achievements and have your students set to participate in them, you can track the achievements they are earning from either a user's Profile or from the Find Achievements page. To access the achievements of a student:

    1. On the User Profile page, select Achievements in the toolbar. This opens a page displaying all achievements the user has earned. This link is only available if your organization has achievements AND the user is participating.
      To track who has earned a specific achievement, use the Find Users search page. On this page:
    2. From the Add filter dropdown, add the Achievement filter.
    3. In the Choose Achievement dialog, select the achievement you want and click OK. All of your users who have earned the achievement will be listed in the results.

    User Requirements for an Achievement

    The following settings must be in place for the user to earn an achievement:

    1. Your organization must have the Enable Achievements field checked on the Preferences tab. This enables your users to earn achievements.
    2. A user must have the Participate in Achievements field checked on the Basic Information tab of their profile.
    3. The achievement must belong to the organization the user belongs to OR the course must have the Enable achievements for outside organizations checked.

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