Device Requirements And Guidelines for Events
    • 11 Sep 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Device Requirements And Guidelines for Events

    Article summary

    This document outlines the mandatory requirements and guidelines for using your own device at at large events.

    Mandatory Requirements

    Mandatory requirements are separated into two categories; Venue or event location/event users.

    Venue Requirements

    The following requirements are mandatory for all event venues or event locations.

    Networking specifications:

    The mandatory requirements for hardwired and WiFi connections are as follows:

    Hardwired Networks

    The following are requirements for hardwired connections:

    • Separate internet connection for labs and conference: the network used to connect to labs must be different than the network that is used by other attendees at the conference.

    • Internet Bandwidth (throughput) for labs network: the network must have enough bandwidth (throughput) to provide 5mbps per lab user.

      • To calculate the amount of bandwidth needed, multiply 5mbps by the number of concurrent users. As an example, 5mbps x 2500 users = 12.5gbps.

    WiFi Networks

    WiFi connections have the same requirements as hardwired connections, but have some additional requirements.

    • Dedicated access points per room: each room must have a dedicated access point for lab users to connect to.

    • Use WiFi 6 or newer

    • Separate internet connection for labs and conference: the network used to connect to labs must be different than the network that is used by other attendees at the conference.

    • Internet Bandwidth (throughput) for labs network: the network must have enough bandwidth (throughput) to provide 5mbps per lab user.

      • To calculate the amount of bandwidth needed, multiply 5mbps by the number of concurrent users. As an example, 5mbps x 2500 users = 12.5gbps.

    Network Restrictions

    These network restrictions apply for both hardwired and WiFi connections.

    • Per user bandwidth limits of 5mbps upload/5mbps download: the firewall at the event venue or location should be configured to limit each lab user to 5mbps download and 5mbps upload.

    • Disable Windows automatic updates.

    • Disable macOS automatic updates.

    User Devices

    The following requirements are mandatory for all user devices.

    Corporate or Government Issued Laptops and VPNs

    • Launch test lab before the event, to ensure your device is able to connect and function as expected.

      • If you are unable to connect to the test lab or the lab does not function correctly, please contact your corporate IT  group or use a different device.

    Recommended Guidelines

    These guidelines are highly recommended and should only be circumvented in limited scenarios.

    Venue Recommendations

    Networking Specifications

    Hardwired connections are preferred over using a WiFi connection.

    • Provide ethernet dongles if possible, so that users to hardwire their device to the network.


    WiFi connections are not recommended and could impact lab user experience if any network issues arise. If a WiFi connection is used, the following is recommended:

    • Scan event rooms for excess SSIDs.

    • Remove any unnecessary SSIDs or network devices from the network that labs are connecting to.

    User Devices

    • Use a laptop instead of a tablet or smartphone.

    • Disable the user of all VPN networks if possible.

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