

Access Control List

Access control lists (ACLs) are used to control how students use the Web within a virtual machine.

Access Control Policy
An Access Control Policy is used by a cloud provider to limit the resources that can be provisioned within the cloud environment. This prevents additional cloud costs by preventing users from creating resources that are not relevant to the content and/or outside the scope of the lab.
Achievements are a feature to recognize an accomplishment with the TMS. An achievement is automatically triggered by an action being completed in the platform, such as, a user launched a lab, completed a lab, completed a course or a set of courses. An achievement can be associated with a badge so that the badge is automatically assigned when the task is completed.

Activities are configured in the instructions editor and represented in the lab instructions by a replacement token. Activities fall into two broad categories: Questions and Automated. 

  • Questions are multiple choice or short answer questions.
  • Automated Activities interact with the lab environment (Virtual Machine/Container/Cloud Platform).
Activity-based Assessment (ABA)

Activity-based Assessments are labs that contain activities that validate a if a given task was completed succesfully or not and provide real-time feedback directly to the learner as they are progressing through the lab.

Administrative roles
Administrative roles have permissions to view items within the organizations they manage, and so must be given organization management for those permissions to function. An administrator has a role that allows them to view any of the following, user accounts, classes, course assignments, enrollments, or subscriptions.
Advertising Campaign
Advertising campaigns are used to present a website to a lab user while the lab is launching.
An Authorized Lab Host (ALH) is a Microsoft-authorized organization that offers cloud-based non-production enviroments for hands-on labs. These environments allos learners to actively engage with technology, software, and tools. ALHs play a crucial role in training, certification, and skill development.

A short, easy to remember name created for use in place of a longer, more complicated name; commonly used in e-mail applications. Also referred to as a “nickname.”

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis.

Announcements are messages with the TMS set by an administrator to show to an organization or a set of users designated by role for a set amount of time. The announcement can either show to a user when they login or can be a pop up message that appears on a specific page.
An API, also known as an Application Programming interface, consists of a defined set of rules and protocols that enable seamless communication between different software applications. A common language for software systems to collaborate effectively.
API Consumer
API Consumers store unique settings for each API call and use an API key for secure connections that enable the launch of labs and the retrieval of reporting analytics. Configured for Labs by admins, they serve as the bridge between your applications and Skillable Labs to enable a wide array of data integration and automation possibilities.
Assessment Responses
Assessment responses are the answers given by a user to the multiple choice test they have taken.
Assessments are used to determine the user's comprehension of materials. Assessments can be created in the TMS as a multiple choice test and then added to courses.
Asynchronous Learning

Training that is completed by the learner independent from other learners and on their own schedule. It can involve a deadline or be blended with synchronous learning components.

Attendance Chart
The attendance chart is used for a multi-day class to track each day the students have attended class.
Automated Activities

Activities are configured in the instructions editor and represented in the lab instructions by a replacement token. Activities fall into two broad categories: Questions and Automated. 

  • Questions are multiple choice or short answer questions.
  • Automated Activities interact with the lab environment (Virtual Machine/Container/Cloud Platform).

AWS is the acronym for Amazon Web Services - Amazon's public cloud computing platform.


Azure represents Microsoft Azure - Microsoft's public cloud computing platform.

Azure Resource Management (ARM)

ARM templates are a form of infrastructure as code used in Microsoft Azure, a concept where you define the infrastructure that needs to be deployed. ARM templates use declarative syntax, meaning you define the resources for Azure to deploy without specifying how the resources are created.


Badges are digital credential for completing a class or a course which can be assigned manually on the class roster or course assignment. When paired with an Achievement the badge can be automatically triggered by a set of actions such as completing a course or launching a lab. Badges are provided through Credly/Acclaim and can be shared on social media or as email signatures.
Basic User role
The Basic User role gives all users the basic permissions to operate as a student in the TMS; all users need this role. It includes permissions to see their own classes, course assignments, and subscriptions. To view courses, and the organization they belong to. They can see their Dashboard, Current Training, Transcript, and view and edit their User Profile.
Bulk Update User Profiles
Bulk update user profiles is a tool allowing you to select users to either make changes to all their accounts or flag the user to update information in a field. Templates can be created for routine updates.

Bring Your Own Device or “BYOD” is a business and technology policy that allows employees to bring in personal mobile devices and use these devices to access company data, email, etc.


Cancellation Request
A cancellation request is initiated by an enrolled student to cancel their seat in a class.
A class is a scheduled instructor-led event with a start and end time/date. Typically, these include lectures and hands on activities such as labs.
Class Attendance
Class attendance allows an instructor or administrator to record each student's attendance to each class session on multiple day classes. Attendance is recorded through the class' Attendance Chart and a link to reporting is available on the Class Enrollments tile.
Class Enrollment Training Keys
Enrollment training keys connect to enrollments in classes in the TMS, On the class, a unique key is created for each enrollment to be distributed to individuals to redeem creating their enrollment in the class.
Class History
Class history shows all activity performed on the class profile.
Class Sessions
Class sessions are the individual times a class is held, a session generally equates to an individual day of a multiple day class.
Class Vouchers
Class vouchers are used with Marketplace enrollment purchases. Vouchers sync to purchases on the Skillable Marketplace and are used to create classes with a set number of seats.
Clone Events
Clone events is a feature that allows an administrator to select a class to be duplicated. All fields of the selected class are duplicated except the session times and the event training key.
Cloud Credential
Credentials that are given to users in a lab, to log in to a cloud environment, or other platforms. Credentials are managed in a Cloud Credential Pool in Skillable Studio.
Cloud Credential Pool
A pool of credentials that are configured for a specific use, class, or organization, and displayed to the user in a launched lab.
Cloud Slice

Cloud Slice is Skillable's proprietary technology that enables you to take a single cloud subscription and provide isolated access to a high volume of users at a single time.

Cloud Slice Resource Group

Microsoft Azure Cloud Slice Resource Group (CSR) labs restrict users to only creating and modifying Azure resources in the resource group(s) they are provided access to by the configuration in the lab profile. 

Cloud Slice Subscription

Microsoft Azure Cloud Slice Subscription (CSS) labs provide the lab user access at the subscription level to enable tasks such as configuring administrative settings or creating their own resource groups.

Cloud Subscription Pool
Cloud Subscription Pools are used by labs to provision Cloud Slices in a load balanced fashion. Even if you are only using one managed Cloud Subscription, you still must create a Cloud Subscription Pool. This setup allows you to add additional subscriptions to your subscription pool later, at which point you will gain the benefits of the load balancing support that the platform provides.
Code Labs
Code labs use a code editor also known as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) user interface in the lab client to allow the delivery of Labs focused on programming objectives. Code labs utilize containers to provide support for a wide range of coding languages.
A company is a way to group a set of users under the management of another non-administrative user in the TMS. The company owner has limited permissions to view training those users are scheduled to take and have completed.
Company Management
On the user profile, management of one or more companies can be added giving the user limited permissions to view training those users who are in the company are scheduled to take and have completed.
Completion Certificates
Completion certificates are uploaded by an organization to be distributed after a class is completed by the instructor, or can be downloaded by a student from their transcript when they have completed a course assignment or have a completion status of complete from a class.
Completions Status - Attending
The Attending completion status is set to show that an enrolled student is currently participating in class.
Completions Status - Complete
The completion status of Complete is used when an enrolled student has successfully completed class including any supplemental activities outside the course content, such as assignments or exams.
Completions Status - Failed
Failed is the completion status used to show that an enrolled student did not successfully complete class. Most often this is used when class completion includes an outside test.
Completions Status - Incomplete
The Incomplete status is used to show that an enrolled student did not complete the class, either they did not meet attendance expectations or did not complete activities or content expected as part of the class.
Completions Status - No Show
No show is used for the completion status of an enrolled student who did not show up for class.
Completions Status - Unknown
The completion status of Unknown is the default setting on a class enrollment, unless manually changed the platform cannot know if the enrolled student successfully competed class.
Typically, the term Connector is used as a synonym for an integration or connection built between systems, and often used to describe a pre-built, direct integration. In the context of Skillable, an example would be the direct integration that we have built with Degreed, which we refer to as the Degreed Connector.
Container Registry
Custom registries can be created in Skillable Studio, that are linked to an external registry. This is useful to use containers that are maintained in your own external repository.
Container Volume

Container Volumes allow lab authors to load files into any container in the lab and share content between containers within a lab.

Skillable Studio supports containers via Docker. Containers are a lightweight option compared to full Virtual Machines. Container images use virtualization that focuses on a specific application or software, rather than a full operating system.
Content Providers
A content provider is an older way of managing content groupings which has nearly been replaced by publishing groups. While this is an obsolete field, it is still used by our billing department for some organizations and so is still required.

A small piece of information you may be asked to accept when connecting to certain servers via a web browser. It is used throughout your session as a means of identifying you. A cookie is specific to and sent only to the server that generated it

Bundles together content to then be set up for training through classes, subscriptions, and course assignments. Courses can include labs, videos, SCORM, LTI, external links, assessments, and documents. Courses must be assigned to a Content Provider and a Publishing Group to be available to set up for training.
Course Assignment
A course assignment delivers self-paced access to a course. A course is assigned to a student giving immediate access to the student. It can be accessed at any time for the duration of the assignment. The assignment duration begins and is billed when it is created.
Course Catalog
A course catalog surfaces courses to allow viewing of available content.
Course Credit
On the user profile, course credit allows an administrator to add courses to a user which will then meet prerequisites requirements when they are set up on a course.
Course Feedback
Course feedback is an option allowing instructors and students taking a course through instructor led or self paced training to rate a course as positive or negative and leave a comment about the course.
Course Tag Groups

Specific labels or identifiers that are established within an organization's profile to automate the assignment of tag groups and individual tags to all courses produced by the organization. These tag groups are instrumental in configuring the filters for the Course catalog.

Course Tags
Metadata that can be associated to courses to allow for greater filtering or reporting. They can be set up to provide filters on the course catalog or class browser.
Custom Fields
Custom fields can allow organizations to capture and apply their own information to TMS Users, Classes, Enrollments, Subscriptions, and Courses for reporting on information they wish to collect. Custom fields can be set up as a text field, dropdown list, checkbox, number field, user selector, or checkbox list.

This network is for labs that require Public IP access. It is available upon request.


Development Environment
The virtual environment where lab development occurs. All development should be done in a development organization and only moved to the production organization when it is ready for publishing.
Development Status
The status of a lab profile's development. Options include: In Development, Awaiting Verification, In Verification, Verification failed, Complete.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol; a protocol that lets a server on a local network assign temporary IP addresses to a computer or other network devices.

Discussions are chat boards for users who have taken a course through a class or self paced to interact about the material.

The domain name system is how computers convert human-readable domain names and host names to numerical IP addresses. When you type enter a URL into your web browser’s address bar, your computer contacts its DNS server and the DNS server replies with the numerical IP address of the server, which is what your computer connects to.


Skillable Studio supports containers via Docker. Docker containers are a lightweight option compared to full Virtual Machines. Docker container images use virtualization that focuses on a specific application or software, rather than a full operating system.

The expected amount of time it will take a user to complete the lab. After setting the duration, the maximum duration of the lab will be set to 150% of the duration.


Enable Notifications
Enable notifications is an option on the user profile allowing the user to opt in or out of automated notifications generated through the TMS.
An enrollment is the student registration for a class. Enrollments have multiple statuses, but only the Enrollment Status of Enrolled gives a student access to class. Within the enrollment the student will access the labs and activities and if set up digital courseware and virtual classroom for their class.
Enrollment Status - Approved
The Approved enrollment status can be used to designate that a student has met the requirements to attend class. This may be useful when multiple people in an organization are involved in the enrollment process.
Enrollment Status - Audit
The Audit enrollment status can be used to allow a person to sit in class for a short amount of time to see what the training is like. Generally, it is used by training company sales departments to let an undecided person decide if they will purchase training. There is no charge for an audit, but it is monitored and can be removed if abused.
Enrollment Status - Cancelled
The enrollment status of Cancelled is set when a student or an administrator has cancelled a student's enrollment into class.
Enrollment Status - Denied
The Denied enrollment status can be used to designate that a student does not meet the requirements to attend class and should not be enrolled. This may be useful when multiple people in an organization are involved in the enrollment process.
Enrollment Status - Enrolled
The enrollment status of Enrolled shows which students are attending class. Only enrolled students can participate in class; they are given access to class activities once the class date and start time is reached; because we use the Enrolled enrollment status for billing and they have access to use activities, once class has started a student marked Enrolled cannot have their enrollment status changed. Only enrolled students count against the Maximum Students in the class or the Classroom limit.
Enrollment Status - Requested
The enrollment status of Requested signals that someone would like to take the class allowing an administrator to decide if requirements have been met to enroll them into the class. It is always assigned if the enrollment is created from a user that does not manage the organization the class belongs to such as a student or an administrator from another organization that the class has been made available to and it is set as the default from some places where an enrollment is created.
Enrollment Status - Wait-listed
The Wait-listed enrollment status allows an administrator to set which students have met the requirements and wish to attend a fully booked class, letting them decide who is qualified to attend if another student is cancelled. Wait-listed registrations can be set up to be automatically assigned enrollment through Organization Preferences.
ESX hardware virtualization platform that enables the use of virtual machines.
Evaluations are presented to lab user after the lab is ended, to provide feedback about the lab profile to the instructor or learning organization.
Event Training Keys
Event training keys are used with classes in the TMS. Event keys are created within the class for use by multiple user, once created the key can be distributed to all learners to redeem to create enrollments in a class. The key allows redemption up to the number of Maximum Students in the class and can be redeemed by anyone until the Maximum Students limit is reached.
External ID
External ID fields are used to associate a record in the TMS to an organization's record outside the TMS.


Gallery templates can be favorited in the template gallery for quick access. They will then appear when the available lab profiles are filtered by favorites. Lab Profiles can also have the favorite flag set to make them stick to the user’s Skillable Studio dashboard.



A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your articles or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. Your glossary only needs to include terms that your reader may not be familiar with, and it’s intended to enhance their understanding of your work. Glossaries are not mandatory, but if you use a lot of technical or field-specific terms, it may improve readability to add one.


Hands-on lab
Hands-on labs are cloud-based environments where learners engage with technology, software, and tools. By manipulating and practicity directly, users gain valuable skills. These labs are widely used for training, certification, and skill development across various domains.
Microsoft hardware virtualization platform that enables the use of virtual machines.


Integrated Digital Lab Experience. The IDLx platform integrates the lab instructions with the Skillable Studio Lab Client in the lab environment. The content written within the IDLx interface is normally written in Markdown, an easy to use markup language for formatting text.
Iframes allow web pages to be embedded within other pages. While they enhance user experience during lab launches, it's crucial to note that iframes can sometimes introduce hidden issues compared to launching the lab directly in Skillable Studio.
Instructor-Led Training or ILT is associated with class delivery. This is when an event is executed within a certain time frame with an instructor, teacher, or mentor leading learners through lab activities and course content.
Import Classes
Import classes is a tool using a CSV file to add up to 10,000 classes to an organization. Settings allow assigning time zone and processing notifications. The tool does not check for classroom or instructor availability or conflicts.
Import Users
Import users is a tool using a CSV file to add up to 10,000 users to an organization. Settings allow assigning roles, user groups, time zone, company, account executive, and forcing a password change on login.
Allowing a lab profile to inherit settings and environment properties from another lab profile. Child lab profile: the lab profile that is inheriting from the parent lab profile. Parent lab profile: the lab profile that is being inherited from.
Instruction Set

Instruction Sets for Lab Profiles allows lab authors to create and use different sets of instructions for a given lab profile.

Instructions Include

Markdown that is located publicly anywhere on the internet and accessible from a URL without authentication. Most commonly, a public GitHub repository. 

Instructor Blockout Time
An instructor blockout time is input by an instructor or administrator to designate a time when the instructor is not available to work. Once it is set up it will not show the instructor as available when choosing an instructor for a class with the Does not have schedule conflict is applied. If added to a class that conflicts with the blockout time, then a dialog displays with the conflicting dates before allowing to save but can still be scheduled.
Instructor Feedback
Instructor feedback allows an instructor to leave text feedback for individual students.
Instructor Schedule
Instructor schedule is a link available on the Instructors tile which searches between a specified timeframe to show classes the instructor is scheduled to teach.
An integration, in the context of software, is a connection between one software application and another. This connection is used to exchange data and updates between the systems in near real-time. APIs and webhooks are two common examples of methods for integrating. At Skillable, integrations are often used to connect with your LMS of choice.
Issue Badges
On the Class Roster, Issue Badges is a link allowing badges associated with the course to be issued to students by an instructor or administrator.


Knowledge Base

A knowledge base is a self-serve online library of information about a product, service, department, or topic. The data in your knowledge base can come from anywhere. Typically, contributors who are well versed in the relevant subjects add to and expand the knowledge base. The content can range from the ins and outs of your HR or legal department to an explanation of how a product works. 


Lab Client

The interface that the user sees as they work in a lab. The interface is presented in a HTML5 compatible browser and normally contains two major components. One component presents the service the Learner will interact with, and the second component contains instructions and other resources to guide the Learner.

Lab Fabric
Lab Fabrics are the various platforms we offer for the delivery of labs. Fabrics can either be different virtualization technologies and containers hosted in a Skillable datacenters or be public cloud.
Lab instance
A lab instance is the individual occurrence of a lab profile launch. Each lab instance is unique for each lab launch, and all details related to the lab launch are displayed on the lab instance.
Lab Instructions

The lab content and instructions written in the Instructions Editor and displayed in the lab user interface.

Lab Monitoring Tool

A tool used for monitoring students' progress in labs, track, and record various aspects of students' activities during lab sessions. It helps instructors assess individual student performance, identify areas of improvement, and ensure lab requirements are met. 

Lab Platform

A lab platform is the underlying technology used to create a lab environment, for example, a Hyper-V or ESX virtual machine, or the Azure or AWS cloud platforms. Platform and fabric are often used interchangeably.

Lab Profile
Labs in Skillable Studio are housed in a Lab Profile. The Lab Profile contains the information about the configurable settings and the virtual machines that make up a lab. For a Lab Profile to be published it must be part of a Lab Series.
Lab Series
A Lab Series is a container that holds one or more Lab Profiles. The Lab Series contains Lab Profiles and settings for the Lab Series. It is like the cover of a book, while the Lab Profiles are like the chapters within the book.
Late Cancellation
A late cancellation is a setting in the Organization profile that allows you to input a message to a student that is cancelling their enrollment in a class during a time frame prior to class starting. This assists in communicating your policy of cancelling an enrollment too close to a class start date.
Learning Path
A learning path is curated set of courses belonging to a Subscription Profile to lead the learner through a guided journey to help them learn a specfic topic.
License Agreements
End user license agreements (EULA) can be created in the TMS and aligned with a publishing group to require acceptance of the agreement before access is given to specified course activities, like labs, SCORM, or a virtual classroom.
Life Cycle Action
With Life Cycle Actions, Skillable Studio is able to execute actions when specific events occur during the lab instance life cycle.
A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application that manages learning processes. It handles administrative tasks, class and course management, tracks learner progress, delivers educational content, and automates processes like enrollment and reporting and more.

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is an education technology specification developed by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. It specifies a method for a learning system to invoke and to communicate with external systems.

LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability)
Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a technical standard which allows courseware and learning tools from different vendors to be launched securely within a learning platform without logging into each tool. LTI activities can be added to courses allowing a student to launch into content from another platform.


Markdown is an easy-to-use set of markup language to format text. Markdown also supports the use of embedded HTML syntax to format the contents.
Marketplace is a platform where users can purchase vouchers related to laboratory services, training, or educational resources.
Marketplaces are a platform where vouchers are sold for access to hands-on learning labs.
Material Vendors
Material vendors are the merchants where you course materials are purchased.
Materials are physical or digital content needed for a teach a course, most often but not limited to a course manual. Materials needed for upcoming classes can be tracked and reported for ordering.
Materials List
Materials list is a set of one or more materials needed for a course.
Materials Responsibilities
Materials responsibilities is a link on the Materials tile opening a search page to find which materials are needed for class enrollments.
Merge Companies
Merge companies allows an administrator to combine two companies with the master being record being retained and all users belonging to the subordinate company are reassigned to the master.
Merge Users
Merge users is a tool for when a user has created multiple user accounts, it allows you to combine two user accounts keeping one user's data and all the training from both accounts.
Microsoft Azure

Microsoft's public cloud computing platform.


Notification Plan
A notification plan is an automated email template. It is automatically triggered by an action in the system or a time setting to send out reminders, enrollment updates, training assignments and many other items.


Operations Manager role
A user role that is assigned to organization administrators. This is the highest level of permissions which customers can receive. It enables users to be able to create and manage users, content, training, pull reports, assign roles and organization management.
An organization is assigned to each entity in the TMS, such as, users, classes, subscriptions, and courses. The organization is a basis to determine access given based on roles within the organization and management over the organization.
Organization management
Organization management sets the organizations a user with administrative roles can work within. All entities such as, users, courses, classes, subscriptions, have an organization assigned. An administrative user must have management of the organization to view and work with the entities.
Organizations are the containers in which all objects in Skillable Studio reside. Each organization has two child orgs, Development and Production. Development is used for content creation and testing. Production is used only for content that is ready for consumption. Organizations also provide one of the security boundaries within the Skillable Studio platform.

OVA is a single file distribution of the OVF file package 

OVF: Open Virtualization Format is an open standard for packaging and distributing virtual appliances or, more generally, software to be run in virtual machines.


Open Virtualization Format is an open standard for packaging and distributing virtual appliances or, more generally, software to be run in virtual machines.


Participate in Achievements
Participate in achievements is an option on the user profile allowing the user to opt in or out of earning achievements.
Percent Complete
Percent complete tallies number of the required course activities that have been completed against the number of required course activities in the course.
Performance-Based Testing
Performance-based testing is a challenge-centric, scored lab used for skills validation. It uses activities, such as Activity Based Assessments (ABA), that have scoring turned on. Questions and Automated Activities are used to validate a Learners' practical skills through the completion of technical tasks, and the results are generated at the end of a lab.
Pre-Class Checklist
The pre-class checklist is a verfication sheet that gives tools for an organization to call students enrolled in a class with a checklist to confirm they will be attending, have sent and received materials.
Production Environment
The production environment is where live content is located. Content should be copied from the development environment only when it is ready to be published.
Program Manager
Manages learning programs and is responsible for ensuring efficacy of learning platforms and content.
Publishing a lab is the process of making a Lab Profile available to the customer’s Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS can then be configured to enable the end Learner to have access to the new Lab(s).
Publishing Groups
Publishing groups are applied to courses to create different catalogs of content which you can make available exclusively to specific customers by publishing to organizations. A publishing group must be added to make the course available to schedule. Organizations can have one or multiple publishing groups to operate.


A regular expression (shortened as regex or regex); also referred to as rational expression) is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern.
Removable Media
Allows content to be presented to a virtual machine as a virtual CD/DVD image. The content is presented as an ISO file. Removable media can be used to upload content for developing labs, can be made available as part of a lab for the Learner to use, or can be used by an instructor can upload their own content to share as part of a class.
Replacement Token
Used to replace text in lab instructions with a defined variable that is unknown at the time of authoring the lab instructions. These variables may not be generated or created until the lab is launched by the student. These can include usernames, user first name, user last name, running lab instance ID number, etc.

Replacements enable you to find text that presents in the lab instructions and change how it displays to the user, without changing the underlying instructions. These are commonly used when using External Instruction Sources that serve multiple purposes and need to be adapted for a lab without modifying the source.

Reporting Configuration
The reporting configuration feature allows the user to upload or store PowerBI reports or other report information.
Resource Group

A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. The resource group can include all the resources for the solution, or only those resources that you want to manage as a group.

Resource Template
Resource Templates are used to deploy cloud resources in a cloud environment.
Roles contain sets of permissions giving a user access within the platform.


Scoring allows the student to be given a score for each Activity they complete correctly, and those scores contribute to the student's overall score in the lab. As the lab author, you set the passing score for the lab after you enable scoring in the lab.
Scored Lab
The Skillable Studio platform supports the ability to score users either in an exam/quiz format or within a hands-on lab.
SCORM is e-Learning content that organizations can create and upload to the TMS to then be added to courses for students to access as course activities.
Script Library

A hub for script templates used in Automated Activities and Life Cycle Actions (LCA), facilitating simpler script creation and maintenance across multiple labs.


This network is a more secure version of WebNet used for labs that are at greater risk of abuse. SecureNet networks have firewall restrictions and rules in place to reduce the impact of abuse.


Self-Paced or On-demand training is associated with course assignments or subscriptions. Users are assigned training which can be accessed at any time by the learner at their leisure. Outside guidance or mentorship is often not provided with this type of training.

Shared lab
A Shared Lab is a tool used at Skillable to create environments which share their networks with each other to allow machines to communicate between a Shared Lab Environment and a Participant (or Participants).
A site designates the organization's URL and a single site can be used by multiple organizations. It controls the look like colors and logo as well as other options for the login page, contact page, top navigation links, required registration fields, and footer.
Skillable Studio

Skillable's lab building & authoring platform.

Skillable TMS

Skillable's Training Management System. A learning management system designed to streamline the delivery, tracking, and reporting of your training programs.

Snapshots allow students and instructors to set a restore point in their lab instance. Once a snapshot is created in the lab instance, the lab can be rolled back to this point in time.
A subscription is an assignment to an individual for access to a set of courses for a set amount of time for self-paced access. Students can choose which courses to access from the subscription, which then open as a course assignment, and they can access the courses at any time for the duration of the subscription.
Subscription Profile
A subscription profile is a bundle of courses made available to students for a set amount of time for self-paced access. The profile sets the template for each subscription assigned to a student.
Subscription Training Keys
Subscription training keys are associated to Subscriptions in the TMS. Keys are created for a subscription profile and distributed to individuals to redeem to create a subscription and gain access to a bundle of courses. Subscription keys can be unique for each individual or a single key can be set up to be redeemed for multiple users.
Survey Results
Survery results are tabulated responses to survey questions, they may be anonymous or show who the respondents are.
TMS entity that can be applied the organization, course, or class to gather feedback from their learners to create even better experiences.
Synchronous Learning

Training that is completed by the learners at the same time, on the same schedule. Can be blended with an asynchronous training component.


Template Gallery
The template gallery allows lab authors to easily search for and select pre-created lab profile templates to use as the base for a new lab.
Themes allow styling to be configured for a lab profile, to provide a custom look and feel.
Time Trigger

This is dependent on the start and end times of a class or the expiration date of a course assignment.

Training Key Pools
Training keys pools are associated with course assignments in the TMS. A key pool is set up for a specific course to generate a group of keys, or pool, and then can be distributed to individuals to redeem the key for access to a the course.
Training Keys
A training key is a code given to students to be admitted to training and can also be used for them to create their own user accounts. Training keys can be used to create class enrollments, course assignments or subscription assignments.
Trigger Event

An action in the platform causing a notification to be sent out.


User Created Trigger

Notification that dispatches both the username and password.

User Groups
A user group is a set of users that an administrator selects and names. The user group filter can then be selected from the Choose User dialog to show only those users. It can be helpful when creating training for a set group of users.
User Profile
The user profile contains information about the user and their preferences, including roles, managed organizations, and settings.
People who interact with the platform. Typically, we can break down users into three categories: Operations Managers, Instructors and Basic Users..


Variables store information and then that information can be recalled or used in the lab. Variables can be used in Life Cycle Actions, Automated Activities, and in lab instructions.
Virtual Disk
The individual files that are used to represent physical disks in a virtual machine.
Virtual Disk Chain
The list of Differencing Disks/Snapshots/checkpoint files that combine to represent the physical disk contents of a virtual machine in the lab environment when launched.
Virtual Hard Disk

Virtual Hard Disk is a file format representing a virtual hard disk drive. They may contain what is found on a physical HDD, such as disk partitions and a file system, which in turn can contain files and folders.

Virtual Machine

A virtual machine is the virtualization or emulation of a computer system. Virtual machines are based on computer architectures and provide the functionality of a physical computer.

Virtual Machine Profile
A Virtual Machine profile represents the hardware configuration of a virtual machine. Base settings would include, memory, processor, network adapters and storage configuration. The actual settings available are dependent on the fabric the Virtual Machine would be running on.

Virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a hardware platform, operating system, a storage device, or network resources. In hardware virtualization, the term host machine refers to the actual machine on which the virtualization takes place; the term guest machine, however, refers to the virtual machine (VM).

Virtualization Platform
The virtualization platform that a lab profile will use for virtual machines or Containers. A virtualization platform is not needed for labs that do not use virtual machines or Containers. Options include: - Hyper-V - ESX - Azure - AWS - Docker
A voucher grants access to specifically purchased labs, courses, or pracitical exercises. Users can aquire these vouchers for various purposes, such as professional development, certification exams, or hands-on learning. The Skillable Marketplace streamlines the process of obtaining lab-related resources, making them readily available to individuals or organizations.
VSP Settings
A Virtualization Size Profile (VSP) setting allows the customer to create a custom or standard size profile when setting up VMs in LOD.


Web Application
Web application refers to the settings feature within the Insights platform. It handles various functions such as Cache State and Systems Tags.
Webhooks are a way to enhance or modify the behavior of a webpage or web application by using custom callbacks. These callbacks allow external services or applications to be notified when specific events occur, enabling seamless integration and interaction between different systems.

This is default network when internet access is required. Labs on WebNet launch with a unique NAT gateway that provides routing and network isolation.


Permissive feature that can be set for websites in the server configuration files.
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