Instruction Localization with AI
    • 10 Sep 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read

    Instruction Localization with AI

    Article summary

    Closed Beta

    This feature is currently in a closed beta. To request access for your organization, please reach out to your account executive. If you are unsure who your Account Executive is, please contact Skillable Support.

    Unlock the power of AI to streamline Lab Instructions localization. With this feature, users can effortlessly clone a source Instruction Set and translate instructions into any supported language, saving valuable time and ensuring clear communication.

    Best Practices for Instruction Localization with AI

    • To achieve a consistant translation, it is best to start from a single source instruction set and then clone into the desired language, try not to clone from an already translated version.

    • To avoid timeouts with large data sets, avoid selecting all languages at once.

    • To be able to remove the AI Translated flag, it is recommended to clone the AI Translated version into a new instruction set.

    Instruction Localization with AI

    • Benefit: Streamlines the process of translating instructions into any supported language.

    • How It Works: Lab authors can clone a source instruction set and effortlessly translate it by selecting the desired destination language, ensuring clear communication across borders.

    • Key Advantages:

      • Time-Saving: Eliminates manual translation efforts, saving valuable time.

      • Effective Communication: Enables clear communication even when dealing with diverse languages.

    AI Translation Verification

    AI translation is leveraging the power of AI and is not a perfect 100% unmanned solution,  this requires a human to verify and modify the ai translated instruction.  All AI localized instructions default to disabled after the backend service is completed so that a human can enable and validate the instructions.

    Localize an Instruction Set with AI

    To localize an Instruction Set:

    1. Navigate to the Lab Profile you wish to add Instruction Sets to.

    2. Select Edit Instructions in the upper-right corner of the page.

    3. Select the Instruction Selector at the top of the instructions editor.

    4. Select Manage Instruction Sets.

      The Instruction Management window will now open. This is where you can add, remove and manage Instruction Sets.

    5. Select + Instruction Set to add a new Instruction Set.

    6. Next, Select Clone From and then select the drop-down menu to choose an Instruction Set to clone from. This will be the source language to base the AI localization from.

    7. Select Generate AI translations". The modal form will now be updated with all of the supported language option choices.

      Existing Languages for the Instruction Set are Unselectable

      Any language that has been created for the cloned instruction set will show as already selected, to prevent overwriting the destination language.

    8. Choose the desired destination language for the AI to localize into.

    9. Select OK.

    10. Acknowledge the Discalimer message by selecting Continue.

      New Instruction Sets will be listed based on each of the selected languages. You will need to verify the ID, Name and Lab Title for the Instruction Set.

      Lab Title Not Automatically Translated

      The lab title is not automatically translated into the desired language. If you want the lab title (which is visible to the users in the lab client) to be displayed in the destination language, please update it manually.

    11. Select OK on the Instruction Sets Management window to initiate the AI translation.

    Intended User Flow

    1. Initiate Translation Process: Lab authors select "New Instruction Clone from source language" to begin translating instructions.

    2. Enable AI Translations: Within the options, users must check the "Generate AI Translations" checkbox to activate the translation feature.

    3. Language Selection: Users are presented with options listing all supported languages through checkboxes, allowing for multiple selections.

    4. Acknowlege Disclaimer: Users are presented with a disclaimer message that needs to be acknowledged to proceed with AI generated instructions.

    5. Source Language Cloning: The system automatically creates new instruction set containers from the source language to the selected target languages within the same ID. This does not perform the translation, this only creates a row for the backend AI translation service to leverage when translating the instructions.

      • An AI in-progres icon is now visible on the destination instruction set.

        AI Translation Inprogress

    6. Translation Process Initiation: Users must select "OK" to close the Manage Instructions Sets window to start the translation process, triggering in-progress indicators for the selected languages.

      Closing the Manage Instruction Sets window begins AI Translation

      To trigger AI translation the Manage Instructions Sets windows must be closed.  Any instruction set that has the AI in-progress icon is being translated.

    7. Backend Processing: The system processes the translations in batch mode.

    8. Completion Indication: Upon successful translation, an "AI Translated" icon appears on the instruction set, indicating the process is completed.
      AI Translation Complete

    9. Instruction Set Re-Enablement: Translated instruction sets are automatically disabled and require user acknowledgment to re-enable, ensuring users are aware of AI-generated content.
      Enable Translation Completion Disclaimer

    10. Acknowledgement of Translated by AI Disclaimer  This is the final disclaimer message presented to the user to indicate that AI was used to localize the instruction set.

      • A Translated by AI icon is now visible on the destination instruction set indicating that this instruction set utilized the AI Translation feature.


    Related Topics

    • Instruction Sets: Creating Instructions Sets for lab profiles.

    • Activities: Activities are either automated activities or question-based activities.

    • Lab Variables: Variables store information and then that information can be recalled or used in the lab.

    • Creating Instructions with Markdown: Overview on Markdown syntax used in Skillable Studio.

    • Replacement Tokens: Replacement Tokens are used to replace text with a variable that is unknown at the time of authoring the lab.

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