Lab Advisor
    • 05 Sep 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Lab Advisor

    Article summary

    The Skillable Studio Lab Advisor scans Lab Profiles and determines if any possible issues could arise based on the configuration of the lab profile, and the components used in the lab profile. Lab Advisor uses these findings to generate specific recommendations for remediation.

    Lab Advisor is accessed from your Skillable Studio dashboard.

    Overview of Lab Advisor

    Lab Advisor Dashboard



    (1) Active Impacted Resources

    This tab toggles the view to show active impacted resources.

    (2) Postponed

    This tab toggles the view to show resources that have been postponed from the active impacted resources tab.

    (3) Dismissed

    This tab toggles the view to show resources that have been dismissed from the active impacted resources tab.

    (4) Recommendations

    Recommendations found by the Lab Advisor will be displayed here. Recommendations are sorted by impact level, and provide relevant information such as the number of labs affected, the potential benefits of the recommendation, and the last date the resource was updated. Selecting the name of a lab profile will allow you to remediate a recommendation.

    (5) Actions

    If you do not wish to remediate the recommendation, there are actions available:

    - Postpone: Selecting the postpone option will move the recommendation to the Postponed tab. Once it is moved, it will stay behind that tab for 7 days. After 7 days has elapsed, the recommendation will be moved back to the Active Impacted Resources tab.
    - Dismiss: Selecting the dismiss option will move the recommendation to the Dismissed tab. Once it is moved, it will stay behind that tab indefinitely, unless you select the option on the Dismissed tab to bring it back to the Active Impacted Resources tab.
    - View Recommendation Details: Selecting this option will navigate to the remediation page, where recommendation information will be displayed for issues found by Lab Advisor.

    (6) Recommendations by Impact

    This displays the number of all resources that are affected by recommendations found by the Lab Advisor. These are sorted from critical to low, with a numeric value that represents the number of affected resources for each impact level.

    (7) Postpone Selected

    This allows you to select multiple recommendations, to be postponed.

    (8) Dismiss Selected

    This allows you to select multiple recommendations, to be dismissed.

    (9) Page Selection

    When there are several recommendations found for resources that you manage, they are displayed in multiple pages.

    Remediate a Recommendation

    To remediate a recommendation, perform the following steps:

    1. Select the Name of the recommendation from the list.

      The next page will show all lab profiles that are affected by the recommendation.

      Remediate Recommendatoin

    2. Select the lab profile that you wish to remediate, by clicking on the link in the Lab Profile column.

    3. Follow the remediation steps at the top of the page.

      To better understand why this recommendation is suggested, there is an explanation at the top of the page with more information.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What resources can Lab Advisor provide recommendations for?

    A: Lab Advisor scans lab profiles and reports issues found with lab profile configuration and components used in lab profiles.

    Which lab profiles will lab advisor show me on my dashboard?

    A: Lab Advisor can report on lab profiles that are configured on your user account on the Managed Organizations tab.

    What information can the lab advisor recommend?

    A: Lab Advisor can provide recommendations for the following categories:
    - Cost
    - In-lab Experience
    - Operational Excellence
    - Performance
    - Reliability
    - Security

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