Printing Completion Certificates by Students
    • 13 Aug 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Printing Completion Certificates by Students

    Article summary

    Students can access and print Completion Certificates from a PDF for completed training in the Skillable TMS. In order for students to print certificates,

    • the course must have a certificate template,
    • the student must have a supplemental role giving them rights to print certificates,
    • the training must be at a completed status.

    Students cannot print certificates without a supplemental role added allowing them this ability. Organizations who want to give students the ability to print certificates may add the role, Student - Certificate Printing; this can be added by anyone with the Operations Manager role. It may also be added as a default role for all users created in your Organization. Please submit a Support ticket at for assistance setting this up.

    A student's class Enrollment or Self-Paced training must be at a status of Completed before they can print a certificate. For a Class enrollment, an administrator or the instructor must mark the student's Completion Status to Complete on the roster or student enrollment. For self-paced learning, the course assignment's required activities must all be completed. The Skillable TMS will then automatically register the assignment as completed. An administrative user may also mark an assignment as Complete regardless of the activities' statuses. To do this, open the Course Assignment and select the Mark Complete link.

    Download a Certificate

    Once the enrollment or assignment is showing as complete, it will show on the student's transcript. Training which has a completion certificate available will show a certificate icon. To print a certificate:

    1. Select the Completion certificate icon.
    2. If more than one completion certificate is available for a course, a dialog opens listing all available certificate types.
      1. Select a certificate template
      2. Select OK to download the files.
    3. Open the downloaded zip file containing a PDF of the certificate.
    4. Open the certificate and print.

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