Using Surveys and How They Work
    • 16 Aug 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Using Surveys and How They Work

    Article summary

    A survey is a questionnaire to allow users to report their opinions and experience. They can be added to Classes and taken by students, instructors or Organization administrators. Each of these users can open their survey from the class's Course Activities. Survey responses can be accessed from the class, course, and Surveys. Results can be viewed in the Skillable TMS or exported.

    Survey Categories

    Surveys fall into any of three categories: Student, Instructor or Organization. Any survey created can be added to any of these categories. The category used determines access; a student survey is only available for students, an instructor survey for the class's instructor(s), and an organization survey to the organization's administrators.

    Surveys display on a class and class enrollments under course activities based on the user's role. The following details when and where surveys in the different categories are displayed to the user:

    • Organizational survey - becomes available before class starts, as the first course activity and only for organization administrators.
    • Instructor survey - becomes available before class starts, as the first course activity and only for class instructors.
    • Student survey - becomes available to the students as the final course activity. By default, it is set to begin displaying 4 hours before class ends and continue to be available for 30 days after class ends. The timing of these settings can be changed on the class.

    One survey in each category can be added to a course or a class. If a survey is added to a course, then any class created using the course will automatically have the survey(s) added. When the class is created, the survey can be removed or changed as needed. Surveys can also be added directly to classes.

    Survey Question Types

    Surveys are created directly in the Skillable TMS with a variety of question types available for your design:

    • Multiple choice, only one answer
    • Multiple choice, multiple answers
    • Single textbox
    • Multiple textboxes
    • Comment/Essay textbox
    • Rating scale
    • Matrix, one answer per row
    • Matrix, multiple answers per row

    If you need to have permissions to create surveys or see survey responses, please submit a Support ticket at

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