Course Assignment Expiring Notification
    • 13 Aug 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read

    Course Assignment Expiring Notification

    Article summary

    When a student's Course Assignment is going to expire, you may want to notify instructor and students that were going to be attending the Class. You can create a notification in Skillable Training Management System (TMS) to let them know.

    Create a Notification

    1. Open notification plans, from Site Administration on the Notifications tile, select Create Notification Plan.
    2. Input a name and description for the notification.
    3. The trigger is the amount of time you set before the course assignment expires. The Trigger Event is Course assignment expiration.
    4. Fill in the time for the filter, Trigger XX Days Before Course Assignment Expires.
    5. There is not a person triggering the action, it is based on time.
    6. The notification is only to the student making the To User.
    7. Fill in Fromand Subject. Add a *CC as needed.
    8. Uncheck Enabled until you are ready to test the notification.
    9. Input your text with replacement text for the notification.
    10. On the Organization tab, assign the organization(s) where the notification will be used.
    11. If you wish to limit it the notification to specific courses, select them on the Courses tab.

    Test your Course Assignment Notification

    Testing a notification gives you the opportunity to verify that the notification sends when you want it to go out and does not send when you do not want it to go out. You can limit the impact by restricting the notification to only go out for one Course.

    Time triggered notifications are a bit more difficult to test because triggers based on days trigger at midnight. If set the trigger to before the course assignment expiration it will check for anything in the next 24 hours and if set to the trigger after the course assignment expires then it checks for anything in the previous 24 hours. When testing this notification, you must wait overnight to verify that a notification is sent. If there are multiple tests you want to run, set them all up to trigger overnight so that verification does not take multiple days.

    Open your Notification Plan, if you have disabled the notification you will need to add the Enabled filter on the Find Notifications page and filter by Is not Enabled.

    To set up testing, begin by preparing your notification.

    1. Click Edit on the notification.
    2. Open the Courses tab and select Specify courses.
    3. Under the Individual courses heading, click Add course.
    4. Search for and select a course named, Testing Automated Notifications, then click OK. If you do not have access to this course open a ticket to our Help Desk.
    5. On the Basic Information tab, check the Enabled box.
    6. Save.

    Create a Course Assignment

    1. Create a new course assignment using the course set on your notification.

    2. Save the course assignment.

    3. If you are setting up a notification for a course assignment expiration notification, first follow the steps above to create a course assignment.

    4. Edit the course assignment,

      • to test XX days Before Course Assignment Expires change the Expires date to XX plus 1 day. For example, if you have set the notification to be sent 30 days before the course assignment expires, then you will want the course assignment to be set to expire 31 days from the current date.
      • to test XX days After Course Assignment Expires change the Expires date to XX minus 1 day. For example, if you have set the notification to be sent 1 day after the course assignment expires, then you will want the course assignment to be set to expire on the current date.

    Check for Notifications

    1. On the Site Administration page, on the Notification Plans tile, click the Find Sent Notifications link to view all notifications sent.

    Additional Resources

    For more information on course assignment notifications and descriptions of all the available fields, read Creating Course Assignment Notifications

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