Cloud Credential Pool
    • 10 Sep 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read

    Cloud Credential Pool

    Article summary

    Cloud Credential Pools allow you to upload credentials and then distribute sets of credentials to lab users, in the Lab Instructions. These credentials can be to log in to a cloud platform, a website, or any other platform that your lab uses. Credential pools are not used to provide credentials to Virtual Machines (VM). VM credentials are provided in lab instructions, based on the credentials configured in the VM profile.

    Edit View

    These options are only displayed while editing a Cloud Credential Pool.

    To edit a Credential Pool, select the Edit button in the upper-right corner of the page.

    Edit button on a Cloud Credential Pool page

    Basic Information




    The name of the pool, as shown in Skillable Studio administration pages.

    Display Name

    The display name will be shown in the lab instructions, to lab users.


    A description of the credentials in the pool.


    Select the organization with access to manage the pool.

    Desired Depth

    Enter the desired number of credentials to be available in the pool.

    Reuse Policy

    Select a policy for how credentials will be reused.

    - Always issue new credentials: each lab launch will be given a new set of credentials.
    - Reuse credentials for a given user within a class and/or event: when a user launches any lab in a class or event, they will receive the same credentials.
    - Reuse credentials for a given user for the same lab profile: when a user relaunches the same lab profile, they will receive the same credentials.
    - Reuse credentials for a given user for the same lab series: when a user relaunches a lab profile from the same lab series, they will receive the same credentials.
    - Always reuse credentials for a given user: when a user launches any lab profile from any lab series, they will receive the same credentials.


    Select to enable the credential pool for use.

    Demo Mode

    Select to enable Demo Mode. Demo Mode displays the word Demo for each credential property configured in the pool, instead of displaying credentials configured in the pool. This is useful to demonstrate how a credential pool works and displays credentials, without using valid credentials

    Demo Mode Expires

    Select this to choose a date and time for Demo Mode to be disabled on the pool, and start issuing valid credentials configured in the pool.

    Issue to instructor-led (ILT) launches

    Select to issue credentials to the students for instructor led launches.

    Issue to instructor-led (ILT) instructor launches

    Select to issue credentials  to the assigned instructor of instructor-led launches.

    Issue to non-ILT launches

    Select to issue credentials to non-instructor-led launches.

    Enable low availability notifications

    Select to enable a notification to be sent when the number of available credentials falls below the specified threshold.

    - Low availability notification threshold: The number of credentials remaining in the pool to trigger a notification.
    - Low availability notification expiration threshold: If credentials expiring before this threshold will cause the number of Available credentials to drop below the "Low availability notification threshold", then a notification will be sent.
    - Low availability notification email: The email address that low availability notifications will be sent to.

    Block lab launches when no credentials are available

    Select this to prevent any lab profile from launching that has this credential pool attached, when there are no credentials available for use in the pool.

    Custom credentials unavailable message

    Enter a message that will be displayed in the lab instructions, if there are no credentials available for use.

    Credentials Properties

    By default, credential pools have a Username property and a Password property. The default properties can be changed, or additional properties can be added.

    1. Select Add Credential Property to add a credential property.

    2. Enter a label for the credential property. This label will be displayed when adding credentials to the pool.

    Details View

    These options below are only displayed while editing a Cloud Credential Pool.

    If you are editing the Credential Pool, select the Details button in the upper-right corner to display the Details view.

    Details button displayed while editing a Cloud Credential Pool page.png

    Add Credentials

    Credentials can be added from the details page of the credential pool. The properties available for each credential you add is dependent on the credential properties that are configured on the pool.

    1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select + Add Credential.

    2. Enter credentials with properties separated by commas, one set per line. For example, Username1,Password1.

      To add additional credential properties, select Edit on the pool, and then go to the Credential Properties tab, and enter any credential properties that are needed.

    Move Credentials

    Credentials can be moved from a Credential Pool, to another Credential Pool in Skillable Studio.

    1. Select Move Credentials at the top of the page.

      Move Credentials button on a Cloud Credential Pool page.png

    2. Select the Destination Pool.

    3. Select the Credentials that will be moved.

    Edit Credentials

    After credentials are added to a pool, they can be edited individually if needed. Each credential property can be edited, and optionally an expiration date can be added. Additional credential properties can be added by editing the pool and selecting the Credential Properties tab.

    1. Select Edit next to the credential that you wish to edit.

    2. After changes are made to the credential, select OK.

      Edit button on cloud credentials.png

    Add a Cloud Credential Pool to a Lab Profile

    Cloud Credential Pools are added to a Lab Profile, so that credentials can be distributed to lab users.

    To add a Cloud Credential Pool to a Lab Profile, perform the following steps:

    1. Navigate to the Lab Profile you wish to add the pool to.

    2. Select the edit button in the upper-right corner of the page.

    3. Select the Advanced tab of the Lab Profile.

    4. Scroll to the Cloud Credential Pool section.

    5. Select +Add Cloud Credential Pool.

    6. In the dialog that appears, enter the Name of the pool and select Search.

    7. Choose the Cloud Credential Pool that you wish to add to the Lab Profile, and select OK.

    8. Save the Lab Profile.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.