Creating Custom Fields
    • 13 Aug 2024
    • 6 Minutes to read

    Creating Custom Fields

    Article summary

    Custom Fields are very useful when you need to track data that is not part of the standard Skillable TMS. The fields can be created for the following entities: Courses, Classes, Users, Subscription Profiles, and tracks.

    Because of the complexity and flexibility of custom fields, it is HIGHLY recommended that before you create any custom field in the production Skillable TMS environment, you test them with all affected roles in our Skillable TMS ACC environment to ensure they work as expected and do not block creation or editing of entities. To be set up in our ACC environment, please submit a support ticket from our Customer Support page.

    Create a Custom Field

    To begin to create any custom field:

    1. On the Admin menu in the appropriate entity's group, select "X" Custom Fields.
    2. On the Find "X" Custom Fields page, select Create Custom Field.

    The Basic Information tab has the main options that control the field. There are common options that every field has and there are some options that will only appear depending on the type of field chosen. These are explained in sections for the appropriate types.

    To complete the common options:

    1. Set the Name for the field. This will be used as its label.
    2. Set an optional Description. This description can be used as a filter to search for a custom field on the search page, can be seen under the name of the custom field when the Description output option is selected, and will be displayed on the custom field's profile page.
    3. Set an optional Tool Tip. This will be visible to a user when they hover over the question mark next to the custom field on the entity's Create or Edit page. The tool tip is limited to 800 characters.
    4. The Organization field will automatically be filled in using your organization. Select Choose to change to another organization you manage, if needed.
    5. The Entity field will be set to the entity from which you accessed the Create Custom Field page. Select the dropdown to select one of the other entities, if needed.
      1. If you selected Class as the Entity, set whether the data in the field for a class will be included if the class is cloned.
    6. Select the Type dropdown to select the type of data the field will hold.
    7. From the Display Group dropdown, select where the field will be visible on the entity. The choices on the dropdown will change depending on the entity for which the field is being built.
      1. If you choose Other, type a name. This will create a new tab or group with that name on the entity.
    8. Set the Sort Order. This determines the order the custom fields are displayed within their groups. All custom fields displayed on standard tabs or groups will be displayed after the standard fields on that tab or group.
    9. Uncheck Enabled if you do not want to use the field currently.
    10. Check Required, if needed. This blocks saving the entity if the field is empty. This option is not available on Checkbox or Checkbox List field types.

    The Availability tab sets the organizations that can use the field. Your organization is added by default. Select Add Organizations to add other organizations you manage to allow them to use the field.

    The User Role Restrictions tab allows you to restrict who can view and/or edit the field. You select the roles for whom you want to grant access. When user roles are added, users who only have roles that are not listed will not be able to view and/or edit the field. Warning If you set user role restrictions on a field and mark the field required, users without the restricted roles, who otherwise may be able to create or edit the entity, will be blocked from saving the entity if they are unable to edit the field.

    Restrict Visibility to the Custom Field

    1. To restrict who can see the field on the entity,
      1. Check Restrict visibility to specific user roles,
      2. Select Add User Roles,
      3. From the Choose User Role dialog, select the role(s).
    2. To restrict who can edit the field on the entity, check Restrict editing to specific user roles and follow the steps above.

    Text Box Specific Options

    A Text Box field contains plain text. To set the options specific to this field,

    1. In Max Character, set the number of characters the user can type in the field.
    2. Check Require Unique Values if the field must have a different value for every entity item. For instance, if it is a class custom field, each class must have a unique value in the field.

    Dropdown List Specific Options

    A Dropdown List field has a dropdown of choices in it from which the user can select. It has a Choices tab where you set the choices that will appear on the dropdown.

    1. On the Choices tab, select Add Choice.
    2. Type a choice.
    3. Repeat for each item you want on the dropdown.
    4. If you want to move a choice, select and hold to the right of it and drag it to its new location.

    This field type can require unique values. However, if set, only one entity item is allowed to have each dropdown choice. For instance, if it is a class custom field, only one class could have the first choice, only one class could have the 2nd choice, etc.

    Number Specific Option

    A Number field contains a whole number. The only type-specific option for this field is Require Unique Values. However, if that is selected, only one entity item can have a specific number in it. For instance, if it is a class custom field, only one class would be able to have the number 1 in the field.

    User Selector

    A User Selector field contains the name of and link to a user in the Skillable TMS. This field has a Choose User dialog attached to set the user. You can pre-filter this Choose User dialog by a user role with the Filter User Role option.

    This field type can require unique values. However, if set, only one entity item can have a specific user. For instance, if it is a class custom field, only one class could have John Doe, only one class could have Jane Doe, etc.

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