Creating Learning Paths
    • 13 Aug 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read

    Creating Learning Paths

    Article summary

    A Learning Path is a subset of courses within a Subscription to direct learning of a specific topic. Adding learning paths into your subscription gives you the opportunity to guide a user through courses relating to a subject, giving them a suggested order of progress to take the courses to build their learning on the topic through the end of the path. You can have one or multiple paths set up for your subscription. Users are not restricted to take the courses in the order offered in the path, they can choose to take any course at any time.

    learning paths

    Create a Learning Path

    1. Open the Subscription Profile where you wish to add the path and click the Create Learning Path link. Input the required information for your path:

    2. Enter information in the required fields of the Basic Information tab. Optionally enter information in the optional fields.

    Required Fields

    NameInput a name for this path.
    Audience LevelSelect from Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced.
    OrganizationDefaults to your organization, may be revised if needed.
    EnabledLeave box checked to have the path accessible to users.

    Optional fields:

    • Description – Add a description of the path. This displays to students.
    • Profile Image URL – Add an image to your path to display in the On-Demand catalog. Input a URL to the location you have the image stored.
    1. Enter information in the HMTL Description tab. Optional field to add a custom formatted description. This description only shows on the Subscription Profile.

    2. Enter information in the HTML Footer tab. Optional field to add a custom footer on the On-Demand Subscription catalog.

    3. Add Subscription Profiles. The subscription you opened the learning path from is automatically added. You may add or update the subscription profiles which use this learning path here. Changing paths takes immediate effect on all existing subscription assignments.

      • Select the Add Subscription Profile link to open the Choose Subscription Profiles dialog.
      • Search for and select all the subscriptions you wish to add, then click OK.
    4. Select Courses. Add or update the courses available within your path. When adding courses, they are added in the order selected, the order can be revised after they are added. Changing courses takes immediate effect on all existing subscription assignments.

      • Select the Add Course link to open the Choose Courses dialog.
      • Search for and select all the courses you wish to add, then click OK.
      • Drag and drop courses into the order you wish them to display on the path.
    5. Select Save.

    View Learning Path

    After creation, learning paths can be viewed from the Site Administration page on the Subscriptions tile by selecting the Learning Paths link.

    Users with a subscription assignment can view their learning paths from a link in the On-Demand Subscription catalog. Learning paths are displayed in a catalog view, hovering over a tile shows details of the path and provides a View Path button to open it.

    on-demand subscription catalog

    An individual path shows the courses listed in the order created in the path. Details are available on the left panel. Learning paths have a progress bar displaying the percent of completed courses. Clicking on the course name opens a course assignment, circles beside the course name show if a course has not been started (empty circle), is incomplete (half-filled circle) or completed (check-marked circle).

    progress display bar

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