Configuring Skillable TMS Webhooks
    • 12 Aug 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read

    Configuring Skillable TMS Webhooks

    Article summary

    Webhooks are a way our platforms can send automated messages or information to you. They can be used to automatically inform you when a Course Assignment or Class has been changed in the Skillable TMS.

    You will need to know how to use webhooks in the TMS if you want to automatically receive notifications.

    Best Practices

    Webhooks, likeAPI endpoints, provide an easy method of retrieving data or notifications of events. Follow these best practices to get the most of your webhook configurations.

    • Webhooks, unlike APIs, do not require a request. Configure the webhook to activate on the most appropriate event for the best results.
    • Always ensure that the receiving URL is properly configured and available. If you receive an error when you navigate to the receiving URL you will not receive the webhook payload.
    • Be careful when configuring the Delay, Timeout and Maximum Retries as this can cause confusion when multiple webhooks are configured or triggered at the same time.

    Create a TMS Webhook

    You can set up one or more webhooks on your Organization profile.

    1. From the Site Administration page on the Organizations tile, select My Organizations.
    2. Select your organization's name link.
    3. Select the Edit link.
    4. Select the Webhooks tab.
    5. Select Add link.

    TMS Edit Organization tab

    Set up your TMS Webhooks

    Configure your Skillable TMS Webhook using this chart

    NameEnter the name of the webhook.
    Trigger EventSelect the event which occurs to enact the webhook. Available events include:
        â€¢ Course assignment changed: Triggered when a Course Assignment is changed (started, completed, expired, cancelled).
        â€¢ Class changed: Triggered when the status of a class changes (requested, tentative, scheduled, guaranteed to run, cancelled, denied, rescheduled, completed).
    URLInput a webhook URL where the Webhook response is sent when the configured platform event occurs.
    HttpHeadersSend additional information with an HTTP request or response, an HTTP header consists of its case-insensitive name followed by a colon ( : ), then by its value. Headers should be entered in name=value format, with each header on a new line. It is recommended to add an authorization header in order to secure your webhook. If Basic Authentication is required for the webhook in the header field enter Authorization=Basic <Base64 URL Safe version of the Username:Password>. Assuming a username of Webhookuser and a password of webhookpassword the Base64 URL Safe string of Webhookuser:webhookpassword is V2ViaG9va3VzZXI6d2ViaG9va3Bhc3N3b3Jk. In the header field the full entry would be Authorization=Basic V2ViaG9va3VzZXI6d2ViaG9va3Bhc3N3b3Jk.
    To help with converting the username and password there are many available tools including Cyber Chef
    Delay SecondsInput an optional delay before the webhook is triggered.
    Timeout SeondsInclude the amount of time to wait for the webhook request to complete before timing out.
    Max RetriesSet the maximum number of times the webhook will be called in the event of an error response. The time between retries is 1 second for the 1st retry, 2 seconds for the 2nd retry, 3 seconds for the 3rd retry, 4 seconds for the 4th retry, and 5 seconds for the 5th retry. There is a maximum of five retries.
    EnabledChecking this activates the webhook.

    TMS Webhook Edit

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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