Defining Course Profile Fields
    • 12 Aug 2024
    • 7 Minutes to read

    Defining Course Profile Fields

    Article summary

    Courses are the building blocks of most training in the Skillable TMS. For example, they are used in Classes, Course Assignments, Subscription, and Learning Paths to deliver the learning content. Creating a course may be complex depending on the permission set within your Roles and the Activities and attributes you want to include.

    Basic Information

    NameThe display name of the course.
    Short NameAn abbreviation or shorter name for your course.
    VersionSet the version for this course and track any revisions.
    DescriptionThe description of the course, such as activities and labs included or the scope of the course. The description field is limited to 800 characters.
    Search KeywordsAdd keywords you want to use to search for the course in Find Courses.
    Profile Image URLThis is the URL location that the courses profile image is stored. The image should be in a large 16x9 format.
    OrganizationSelect the organization that owns the course.
    ProgramAllows an organization to control course management and user access based on program assignment.
    DurationEnter the expected duration of the course.
    Training DaysEnter the expected number of training days needed to complete the course.
    Content ProviderContent providers allow you to categorize your courses.
    DiscussionAdd a chat board for anyone taking the course through a class or course assignment.
    ArchivedSelect this to archive the course. This retires a course from allowing assignment to training while leaving any scheduled training active.
    Archive DateEnter a date for the course to be automatically archived.
    Available Instructor-LedAllows the course to be used in an instructor-led class. If both Available Instructor-Led and _Available Self-Paced are disabled, the course will be marked as Coming Soon.
    Available Self-PacedAllows the course to be used in self-paced course assignments. If both Available Instructor-Led and _Available Self-Paced are disabled, the course will be marked as Coming Soon.
    Show on Course CatalogThe course catalog, if enabled for your organization, is available via a link at the top of any pages for authenticated users. It may also be enabled for unauthenticated users from the login page. The Show on Course Catalog feature adds this course to the course catalog but does not add it to On Demand subscription profiles.
    FeaturedAdds a "Featured" icon on the course on the Find Courses page, your Course Catalog, and in subscriptions. It also moves those courses to the beginning of catalogs.
    Enable simple course feedbackEnables user feedback in Classes and Course Assignments.
    Enable Achievements for outside organizationsAllows users from other organizations who are participating in achievements to earn achievements associated with this course.
    Allow activity disablement within classesThis allows instructors to disable class activities for students during classes.
    Allow activities to be auto enabled after a class endsRe-enables any disabled activities when the class ends.

    HTML Description

    HTML Description can be used to add a description longer than 800 characters to a course profile. This can also include links, images, and or videos using HTML.

    This can also be used to provide supplementary course information, such as a syllabus or links to supplemental course materials.


    Add SectionAdds a section to the courses activities. Sections can house SCORM modules, labs, videos, documents, external links, assessments, LTI Resource Links and Microsoft Learn Activities.
    Add SCORM ModuleAdd a SCORM module as an available activity in the course.
    Add LabAdd a lab from Skillable Studio as an available activity in the course.
    Add VideoAdd a video as an available activity in the course.
    Add DocumentAdd a document as an available activity in the course.
    Add External LinkAdd an external link as an available activity in the course.
    Add AssessmentAdd an assessment as an available activity in the course.
    Add LTI Resource LinkAdd an LTI resource link as an available activity in the course.
    Add Microsoft Learn ActivityAdd a Microsoft Learn activity as an available activity in the course.
    Post-class SCORM module availabilityThis sets the amount of time students have to access SCORM module activities after the class ends.


    Add Publishing GroupsAdd this course to a Publishing Group. A Publishing Group is a set of courses that you grant access to other organizations, for them to use for their classes and course assignments. If a course is not added to a publishing group, it will not be available to be scheduled in a class.


    Add PrerequisiteAdd a prerequisite course.
    After a course is added, select the Status Requirement; enrolled, started, completed, completed or credit.
    Add a Blocked Action to designate the action that is blocked until the prerequisite course status requirement is met.


    Course Tags are used to search for courses or add filters to a Course Catalog or subscription catalog. Course Tags will be displayed on the details page of the course.

    Add TagsAdd tags to the course.

    Completion Certificates

    Certificates are available to instructions and admins as a PDF or an editable Word document, to be printed for the successful completion of a course. Students may have a PDF version available to print when a course is completed through a class or a course assignment.

    Add Certification TemplateAdd Completion Certificates that will be students will receive upon completing a course assignment or class that uses this course.

    Subscription Profiles

    Add Subscription ProfileAdd the course to a Subscription Profile.


    Add PresenterAdd a presenter to the course.
    Presenter LabelAdd a label for the presenter.


    Calendar ColorCustomize the display color of this course on platform calendars.
    External IDInput an ID from your systems to identify this course.
    Student SurveyA survey can be added from surveys you have created in the Training Management System for students to take for a class.
    Instructor SurveyA survey can be added from surveys you have created in the Training Management System for instructors to take for a class.
    Organization SurveyA survey can be added from surveys you have created in the Training Management System for operation managers to take for a class.
    Allow Class Self-EnrollmentSets any class using this course to default to allowing self-enrollment for anyone with the self-enrollment role.
    Allow Self-paced Self-assignmentSets this course to allow users with a self-assignment role to create their own course assignment.
    Allow recordingsThis allows you to enable or disable recordings from being saved and accessible to students for classes that are scheduled using the course. This applies to organizations using an integrated virtual meeting host such as Adobe Connect or Zoom. By default this option is enabled.
    Post-class recording availabilityThis sets the amount of time students have to access recordings after the class ends.
    Allow supplemental recording accessAllows recordings access to users that are not part of the class. After this option is enabled, recordings can be shared from the class page by selecting Recordings at the top of the page and then selecting recording availability; enrolled students, anyone from delivery organization, any authenticated user, or anyone (public).
    Course assignment requires valid subscriptionPrevents a course assignment creation unless the user has a valid subscription.
    Allow Anonymous Access to Course Details PageAllows sharing of the course URL for users to view the course without logging in.

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    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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