Editing Courses
    • 12 Aug 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Editing Courses

    Article summary

    Courses created by an Organization are open for editing to users with course creation permissions. All fields, Activities, and settings can be edited before any training events use the course. Once a class or a Course Assignment has started, the course lab activities are limited for the life of the course. This limitation is in place to meet with our billing procedures.

    Editing a course profile is restricted when training aligned with the course is in progress. From the time a class or course assignments starts editing of the related course profile is restricted so that lab activities cannot be added or removed.

    Best Practice for Editing Courses

    If you edit a course after any training has started, a message displays stating: This course has been used for a class or a course assignment and some fields cannot be changed. If you need to update the content, we recommend using the Save As button to clone the course to create a new version of the course for future deliveries.

    Edit a Course

    To make changes to the lab activities in the course, edit the course and select the Save As button. This creates a duplicate course profile and opens a dialog box to name the new course. The new course has all fields, activities, and settings open for editing; it can be updated and saved. Future deliveries of classes and course assignments can be created or updated using the new course profile.

    Changes needed for a class in progress can be made by cloning the course and making the needed changes. On the roster you can use the Add Students from Event link to choose the original class and add all those students as enrolled.

    In order to not be invoiced for Enrollments from a class in progress that was replaced by a new class using the new course, you are required to contact our help desk the first day of class. We can cancel the class session on your behalf. Requesting cancellation of classes beyond the first day of a class or beyond course assignment’s creation date requires approval by your Account Executive.

    If you need assistance setting up a new course or class, please contact our help desk

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