Managing Instructor Account and Class Editing
    • 16 Aug 2024
    • 6 Minutes to read

    Managing Instructor Account and Class Editing

    Article summary

    This article is intended to assist instructors in managing their accounts by allowing instructors to designate Courses that they are qualified to teach using the Instructor Competencies feature. This allows Organizations to specifically search for instructors who are qualified to teach specific courses. Instructors can also manage their instructor schedule using Instructor Blockout Time. This article also covers the class editing abilities of Instructors to allow them to better manage their classes.

    Best Practices

    • It is up to the instructor to keep their instructor competencies as well as schedule up to date with the latest information. It is a good practice to ensure that you are reviewing changes to competencies or schedule each month.
    • The Instructor Dashboard is a convenient location for instructors to view upcoming classes and their schedule all in one place. You should be able to find everything you need to be able to manage your instructor account from here.

    Instructor Account Management

    How can I show what I am qualified to teach?

    You can use Instructor Competencies to show the courses you are qualified to teach. Using this feature shows organizations using contract instructors the courses you can teach.

    To access the Instructor Competencies:

    1. Navigate to your user profile. Select Instructor Competencies under the Instructor Information section.
    2. On the Instructor Competencies page, select Add course competency.
    3. This brings up the Choose Course dialog box. Search for and select all the courses you would like to add to your competency list and select OK.
    4. Under Certified, Prepared, and Attended, check the ones that apply.
    5. To remove a competency, you can select the Remove button.

    You will only be able to add specific courses to your instructor competencies if they are made available to the organization your instructor account belongs to. If you need assistance adding a course that is not available to you through your organization, please contact Skillable Support.

    Once you have added competencies, organizations are able filter by course name and view those qualified to teach the course.

    It is each instructor's responsibility to keep their instructor competencies up to date.

    How can I show times when I am unavailable?

    You can set times that you are unavailable to teach. This time is displayed on the Instructor Schedule, can be specifically searched for from the Site Administration page, and is part of the Schedule Conflict filter on the Choose Instructor dialog box.

    To set times when you are unavailable:

    1. Select Admin to open the Admin menu and select Create Instructor Blockout Time in the Instructors group.
    2. Type a Name and Description for the blockout time. The name will be visible to anyone who can see instructor blockout times and links to the page displaying the description as well as the Start and End of the blockout time.
    3. Set the Start date and time for when you are not available using the date and time selectors.
    4. Set the End date and time and select Save.

    Instructor Class Editing

    Below are the options that Instructors can update on an existing class:

    • Edit the class date if the class has not ended.
    • Adjust the Time Zone.
    • Adjust the Class times if the class has not ended.
    • Add a new Instructor to a class.

    Below are the options that Instructors are unable to update on an existing class. Please contact Skillable if any of these options need to be changed.

    • Back-date a class. Once the class is over, sessions cannot be added or changed.
    • Change the Training Key or allow Key to be redeemed after the class ends.
    • Add additional seats above 20.
    • Change the time for a class that has ended.
    • Change the course associated with the class.

    Please Note: SSG Instructors can now edit classes themselves via the updated SSG Workshop Scheduler role that is applied to your account. Please review the step by step guide in this article to review the process so you can update your classes.

    Edit a Class

    1. Navigate to the class.
    2. Select the Edit button on the right side of the page.

    Basic Information Tab

    Anytime you edit a class, you must check the DisableAutomation checkbox. Failure to check this box will result in all edits being reset back to the original settings.

    Change Time Zone

    To change the Time Zone, complete the following steps:

    1. Select the dropdown tab on the right side of the Time Zone field.
    2. Choose the appropriate Time Zone.

    Change Session Date, Start Time and End Time

    To change the time for class sessions, complete the following steps:

    1. Select the Session Times tab.
    2. select Edit next to the session you wish to change.
    3. To change the date or start/end time of the class, select the date and a calendar will populate.
    4. Choose the appropriate date for the session.
    5. Choose the appropriate start and end time for the session.

    Please Note: The Session Date, Start time and End time cannot be in the past.

    Add or Remove Instructors

    Instructors can be added or removed from a class.

    Remove Instructor(s)

    1. Select the Instructors tab.
    2. Select the X next to the name of the Instructor(s) you wish to remove.

    Add Instructor(s)

    1. Select the Instructors tab.
    2. Select the + Add Instructor button to add an instructor.
    3. Enter the Instructor's Name and/or Email and select OK.

    Please Note: If you are unable to locate an instructor while searching, you may need to remove the Does not have schedule conflict search filter.

    Save the Class

    Once all necessary changes have been made to the class, select the Save button on the lower-left side of the page.

    Please Note: If your organization uses automation to schedule and manage classes in the Skillable Training Management System, changes to the class may take 5 minutes to complete.

    Additional prompts may appear in your web browser, to confirm the changes that you made. Prompts include (but are not limited to) the following:

    • "You haven't assigned any classrooms. Are you sure you want to continue?"
    • "You haven't made this event visible. Are you sure you want to continue?"

    If the DisableAutomation checkbox was not checked, all settings will be returned back to the original settings.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.