- 07 Oct 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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- Updated on 07 Oct 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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In Skillable Studio there are multiple ways to score a student's performance in a lab.
Activity Based Assessment (ABA)
Question and Automated activities
Activity Based Assessment
Activity based assessment scoring is available in hands-on labs. To score a lab using ABA, configure an automated activity or question activity and give the activity a score value. Next, you should set the passing score for the lab. The passing score should be the sum of all activity scores. You may repeat these steps as many times as you would like, for more scored items in the lab.
For more information on how to configure Automated Activities, see our Activities documentation.
Partial Scoring
Partial scoring allows a student to receive partial credit for a task in the lab, instead of the score being all or nothing.
For example, if the lab instructions had a task to create a directory and name it "MyDirectory", and the student created the directory but didn't name it properly -- they could receive partial credit for creating the directory, even though they didn't name it properly.
Partial scoring is achieved with automated Activities. To configure partial scoring for the example above:
Edit the lab instructions.
Enable scoring from the Activities menu.
Add an automated Activity.
In the Script 1 field, enter a PowerShell script to check for the directory the student created.
Assign a score value for script 1. This will be the partial score the student will receive if the directory is created.
Select New Script.
In the Script 2 field, enter a PowerShell script to verify the directory is named properly.
Assign a score value for script 2. This will be the partial score the student will receive if the directory is name properly.
Scoring Bot
Scoring bots are hidden Skillable Studio hosted Windows 10 virtual machines in a Hyper-V Lab. Scoring bots work by executing PowerShell scripts in an automated activity in the lab, using a VM that is not displayed to the student.
Scoring bots do not require the VM to be logged in. The scoring bot VM is used to execute commands against other VMs in the lab, and will return the result to Skillable Studio. The results can be sent to an LTI consumer.
To configure a scoring bot into a lab:
Ensure your lab has at least two Hyper-V virtual machines.
Ensure the VM that will be the scoring bot is not visible to the student.
This option is set on the Virtual Machines tab on the lab profile.Edit the lab instructions, and select the Activities menu.
Add a new automated activity.
In the script 1 field, change the target to the VM that will be used as a
scoring bot.Add any additional scripts, and set the target to the scoring bot VM.
Use the following syntax in your script, to return the result:
$score = "score value of 10" Set-ActivityResult -Percentage @score
can be anything
Scoring bot VMs must be Windows 10, and must use Hyper-V for the hypervisor. ESX scoring bot VMs are not supported at this time.