Understanding and Changing Class Enrollment Statuses
    • 13 Aug 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read

    Understanding and Changing Class Enrollment Statuses

    Article summary

    Need to change the Class Enrollment status of one or more of your students? There are three locations for this. The main difference between locations is whether you are working with students in a particular class, a student in multiple classes or all students in all classes.

    Students in a Class

    1. Navigate to the Class details page.
    2. Select either Roster or Enrollments in the Command bar.

    Both provide you with a list of students in the class and the ability to change the Enrollment Status of each student inline. However, the roster provides a summary line that displays the minimum and maximum students for the class as well as a breakdown of the number of students with each status.

    1. If you are on the Roster page, in the Enrollment column, select the dropdown on the row of a student and select the enrollment status for that student.
    2. Repeat for other students in the class.
    3. When done, select Save Changes.
    4. If you are on Find Enrollments, select the enrollment status of a student.
      1. Select the dropdown and select the enrollment status for the student.
      2. Select Save
    5. Repeat for other students in the class.

    Student in Multiple Classes

    1. Navigate to the User Profile page of the student whose enrollment status you want to change.
    2. Select Class Enrollments in the Command bar. The Find Enrollments page will open.
    3. In the row for the class whose Enrollment Status you want to change, select the status.
    4. From the dropdown, select the new status and select Save.
    5. Repeat for other classes, if necessary.

    All Students in All Classes

    For the most flexibility working with student enrollments,

    1. Navigate to the Find Enrollments page.
    2. Select Search to see all enrollments for future classes or set the filter and output options to define your search results.
    3. In the Enrollment Status column, in the search results, select the pencil icon or the status name.
    4. Make your changes and select Save.

    Enrollment Status

    There are 7 class enrollment statuses. Which ones you use depend upon the process flow for your Organization and permissions in the roles you have. The following lists the statuses and possible uses for a student's enrollment:

    • Requested - Not yet been approved to attend or the default status used until class begins.
    • Cancelled - No longer requesting or taking the class.
    • Wait-Listed - Should be enrolled if a seat becomes available in a full class.
    • Approved - Approved to attend a class. This does not mean that the student is enrolled, just that the request was approved, such as when a supervisor approves their worker's request for the class, but the class manager actually enrolls students. Your organization may skip this status if the person who approves requests is the same person who enrolls.
    • Denied - Request denied. This is optional.
    • Audit - Attending the class but only in an audit capacity. This status acts like Enrolled, giving the student access to course activities and labs. An audit student will count against the number of students that can be physically seated in a classroom but not against the Maximum Students set on the class.
    • Enrolled - Attending the class. Students need to be marked Enrolled (or Audit) to access course activities once the class begins by logging in from anywhere.

    You cannot change the Enrolled status after class begins. Please note, we use the Enrolled status for billing and we bill for every student marked Enrolled.

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