Getting user feedback with Lab Evaluations
    • 05 Sep 2024
    • 5 Minutes to read

    Getting user feedback with Lab Evaluations

    Article summary

    Skillable Studio allows evaluations to be added to the end of lab experience to capture user feedback. The recommendations would be the questions are focused on the content of the lab, but they could ask questions regarding the wider learning content if required. This article will walk through the Evaluation creation process, attaching the evaluation to labs and reviewing the results.


    From the Skillable Admin page you can find the Evaluations tile. On the tile you will see there are two options:

    • Find Evaluations – allows for searching for evaluations already created to either edit or review responses

    • Create Evaluations – allows for the creation of new evaluation forms and questions

    If the Evaluations tile is not available, please contact your Account Executive or Customer Support to request access. There are two roles associated with giving access to evaluations:

    • Organization Evaluation control – Grants the ability to create, edit and delete lab Evaluations and view the responses

    • Organization Evaluation Viewer – Grants the ability to view Evaluation responses only

    Creating Evaluations

    To create an evaluation select Create Evaluation link on the Evaluations tile, and complete the form:




    Descriptive name for this evaluation, this will often either be a generic name as the evaluation will be used across many labs or specific to the lab you intend to attach the evaluation to


    Additional information for describing the evaluation use


    This would normally be either in an Organizations root organization or in the Production Organization

    Allow Skipping

    Allows users to Skip completing the evaluation

    Show Question Numbers

    Numbers each question and shows the number to the user on the form

    Use left positive / right negative ratings

    On number scales by default left side of the scale is the worst score and the right side the best.  This option reverses the scale


    Is this Evaluation enabled, removing this check would stop it being displayed on lab profiles it is attached to

    Designing the Evaluation questions

    Once the Evaluation has been created you need to design the evaluation contents. This done using the Design link at the top right when displaying the Evaluation details page.

    Design page overview

    When in Design mode you will see you have several functions:

    • Add Page

    • Rename page

    • Add Question

    • Move Question

    If more than one page exists, you can also:

    • Move pages

    • Delete pages

    When questions have been created the ability to edit, move and delete questions are also presented. Once you have created the questions for you evaluation there is a Preview option at the top left of the Design page that allows you to preview all the evaluation questions across the pages.

    Creating questions

    When the + Add Question is pressed the New Question dialog appears. This allows the following values to be configured:

    • Question Type – See blow

    • Question Text – The evaluation question being asked

    • Question Enabled – Is this question currently enabled

    • Answer Options and Choices (if applicable)

    • Require an answer – Make the question compulsory

    Question types

    The system supports the following question types:

    Question Type


    Multiple Choice, Only One Answer

    User can only select one answer

    Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer

    User can select any combination of answers

    Single Text Box

    User has a single text box to enter an answer to the question, normally one word or a small sentence

    Multiple Text Boxes

    User is prompted with multiple text boxes and each box has its own label/prompt.  These will ideally be related to the overall question being asked

    Comment/Essay Textbox

    A larger single text box the user can put a long response into

    Rating Scale

    Presents a rating scale to the user.  These would normally be a 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 scale, but the Studio supports changing the number scale to something alternative as required.  The scale can have as many or as few answers as required.

    Matrix, One Answer Per Row

    A matrix of as many rows and columns as required, with labels of your choice.  Only one answer per row is allowed

    Matrix, Multiple Answers Per Row

    A matrix of as many rows and columns as required, with labels of your choice.  Multiple answers per row are allowed

    Star Rating

    Star rating scale to be presented, number of stars must be between 2 and 20 inclusive

    Attaching an Evaluation to a Lab

    Once the evaluation design has been completed it can be connected/attached to labs so that when a user completes the lab the evaluation will be presented. Evaluations can be attached to one or more Lab Profiles. To attach an evaluation to a Lab Profile, complete the following steps:

    1. Find the Lab Profile

    2. Edit the Lab Profile

    3. On the Basic Information page

    4. Select Choose next to the Evaluation option

    5. Search for the Evaluation you wish to attach to this Lab Profile

    6. Select the evaluation and select OK

    7. Save the Lab Profile

    The Lab Profile has now been configured with the Evaluation and all subsequent launches the user will be presented with the Evaluation to complete.

    Reviewing Evaluation responses

    Having created one or more Evaluations and attached them to one or more Lab Profiles, the next logical set is to review the evaluation feedback. To review the answers, they can either be reviewed:

    • From the Lab Profile

    • From the Evaluations Report

    Reviewing Evaluations from the Lab Profile

    To review Evaluations from the Lab Profile, complete the following:

    1. Find the Lab Profile you wish to review the evaluations for

    2. From the Lab Profile Details page select Evaluation Results from the menu bar

    3. The system will present the summary of all the evaluation responses received. You can adjust the Evaluation Taken field to reduce the time frame of responses, then select Go  to refresh the report

    4. The data can also be extracted into a CSV file for offline review and analysis

    Reviewing Evaluations from the Evaluations report

    To review evaluations from the Evaluation report, complete the following:

    1. From the Admin page select Find Evaluations in the Evaluations tile

    2. Search for the evaluation you wish to review the responses from

    3. On the menu select Evaluation Responses

    4. If the same evaluation is attached to many Lab Profiles you may wish to add the Lab Profile filter so you can limit the responses to just one Lab Profile

    5. Adjust the Evaluation Taken to the time window you are interested in

    6. Select GO

    7. The system will provide you a summarized report averaging star and number scales and allowing further searching of text/comment boxes.

    8. The data can also be extracted into a CSV file for offline review and analysis

    Retrieving Evaluation data via API

    Evaluation data can be downloaded vit the Skillable Connect API. The API command for evaluation data download is /GetEvaluationResponses. The API command will allow the downloading of the dataset for a specific Evaluation in a JSON format. The API allows for several query parameters including specifying a time window for the Evaluation responses. To use the API command, it requires the Evaluation ID to be specified, the easiest way to find the Evaluation ID is when in Studio find the evaluation and from the Evaluations details page the ID number will be on the end of the URL for example, where XYZ would be the ID value.

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