Creating Student User Accounts
    • 12 Aug 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read

    Creating Student User Accounts

    Article summary

    User accounts for students provide all the needed rights to login, attend Classes, open labs and virtual classes with the Basic User role. This is the default user role in the Skillable TMS, so each user you create is automatically given Basic User privileges. The system requires using a unique email address on every user account. Skillable supports the following techniques for user creation:

    Authentication Methods

    Authentication methods determine the underlying mechanism to confirm that a person is who they say they are. These may range from Skillable's default method to 3rd party authentication providers such as Google or Entra ID.

    Authentication MethodDescription
    Skillable Account (Local)Skillable Account authentication has the user create credentials directly within the Skillable application. Users will need to register with a valid email address and Skillable can assist with password resets for accounts if necessary.

    Note: Skillable does not store any user credentials in their own databases. All user credentials are stored in Azure Active Directory (AAD) B2C.
    Microsoft AccountMicrosoft Account authentication allows the user to log into the Skillable TMS using a pre-existing and valid Microsoft Account, such as an Outlook email address. The user will log into the TMS using Microsoft authentication and will need to agree to allow the account to access the Skillable TMS. Microsoft manages all user account credentials and password resets must be completed through their platform.
    Google AccountGoogle Account authentication allows the user log into the Skillable TMS using a pre-existing and valid Google Account, such as a Gmail email address. The user will log into the TMS using Google authentication and will need to agree to allow the account to access the Skillable TMS. Google manages all user account credentials and password resets must be completed through their platform.
    Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory AAD)Microsoft Entra ID can be leveraged to allow users to use work or school accounts to login to the Skillable TMS. The customer will need to configure their AAD to connect to the Skillable TMS, if this is an option that the customer plans to use. The organization manages all user account credentials and password resets must be completed through Entra ID.
    Custom OpenID Authentication MethodsIf your organization uses an alternative authentication application that utilizes the OpenID specification, the Skillable team can work directly with you to potentially create a custom solution. Please reach out to you Skillable representative if interested in this option.

    Manual User Creation

    This section outlines the process for creating a single user account. To create user accounts in bulk, see Creating Multiple User Accounts.

    To create a user account:

    1. On the Admin menu in the Users group, select Create User.
    2. This opens up the Create User page. Some fields will be filled automatically based either on your own user account or the Organization Preferences. Fill in the following required fields:
      1. First Name
      2. Last Name
      3. Primary Email
      4. Username - the default for this is set in Organization Preferences in the Organization profile.
      5. Password - the default for this is set in Organization Preferences in the Organization profile.
    3. Verify that the student is being added to the correct Organization and Time Zone. These default to match those of the person creating the account.
    4. Select Save.

    You may fill-in data in other fields if you wish to capture it here. These fields and the other tabs will be covered in future articles.

    User Self-Registration

    Anonymous User Registration

    To allow any sort of user self-registration, Anonymous User Registration needs to be enabled on your organization.

    Please reach out to your Skillable representative if interested in this option.

    Manual Account Creation

    The Manual Account Creation option allows users to register their accounts within the Skillable TMS. Training is not automatically assigned to users and will need to be made available to the users via an administrator. This option is recommended for customers looking to make classes and courses available to users for self-enrollment.

    1. The user is directed to their TMS portal via URL: (domain)
    2. The user would select the Create an Account option on the Sign-In page.
    3. The user would select their preferred authentication option:
      1. Corporate Azure AD
      2. Microsoft Account
      3. Google
    4. Or enter their Email and Password to utilize a Skillable Account.
    5. An account will be created with the customer’s organization within the Skillable TMS.

    Registration with Training Keys

    The Registration with Training Keys option allows users to register their accounts within the Skillable TMS platform using a key associated with classes or courses provided by an Administrator. This method creates an account for the user and automatically assigns the appropriate content to the user account. This method provides the most streamlined experience for end users.

    1. The user is provided a key by an administrator.
    2. The user is directed to their TMS portal via URL: (domain)
    3. The user would select the Register with Training Key button on the Sign-In page.
    4. The user would enter the key into the Register with a Training Key prompt.
    5. The user enters inputs account information:
      1. First Name
      2. Last Name
      3. Email
    6. The user is assigned content via the key.
    7. Upon subsequent logins, the user would select their preferred authentication option to align to outside accounts such as:
      1. Corporate Azure AD
      2. Microsoft Account
      3. Google
    8. The user’s existing account will automatically be aligned to their Skillable account.

    Related Article

    If you receive a message that the username or email has already been used, please read:

    Was this article helpful?

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.