Examining the Degreed Connector Services
    • 12 Aug 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Examining the Degreed Connector Services

    Article summary

    What are the Degreed Connector Services?

    The Degreed Connector provides a seamless route for many more users to experience skills based learning through Skillable Hands-On Labs. This is accomplished by providing a clear pathway for access to Skillable labs with the following functions:

    • Lab Catalog Service
      • A daily automated update of Degreed courses encapsulating Skillable Labs.
    • Lab Launch Service
      • One-touch authenticated Lab Launch from the Degreed Courses secured using SAML 2.0 authentication.
    • Lab Results Service
      • Direct user lab completion reporting with basic lab results.

    The Lab Catalog Service

    Once each day the Lab Catalog Service will automatically query Skillable Insights to obtain the full list of customer organizations and the associated API Consumers that have been configured to use the Degreed Connector. This process will create customer specific catalog Content Files and automatically upload them to Degreed for processing into corresponding Courses on the Degreed platform.

    Instruction Sets

    Each separate set of instructions and languages that are configured for a single Skillable lab will result in the creation of a unique Course on the Degreed platform.

    Degreed Sequence Diagram-Catalog v2.

    Every 24 hours Degreed will examine the existing Customer Catalog Content File and add, update or archive the Degreed customer Course catalog appropriately.

    • If a customer's Course (that corresponds to a Lab) does not exist it will be created.
    • If any information for a given Customer's Course has changed the corresponding Lab record will be used to update the course.
    • If an Instruction Set/Lab record can not be found for a specific Customer's Course then the Customer's Course will be archived.
    Catalog Content File Records

    Each record in the Catalog's Content File will correspond to a unique Lab Profile's Instructions Set and Language combination. Each record will create/update/archive a specific course within a customer's Degreed instance.

    The Lab Launch Service

    The Degreed Connector Lab Launch Service is responsible, when a lab launch request is received, for verifying the status of the Degreed Connector configuration, authenticating the user using SAML 2.0, reporting any errors, and launching labs.

    Degreed Sequence Diagram Launch

    The Lab Results Service

    Once a user has ended a lab the Degreed Connector Lab Results service will receive a lab ending notification from the Lab Results Webhook, converting the lab results from the webhook to a Degreed Completion record and return a Completion record to the user's Degreed account using the Degreed Completions API.

    Degreed Completions documentation

    For details of the Degreed Completions API refer to the Degreed documentation (https://developer.degreed.com/reference/post_api-v2-completions).

    Degreed Sequence Diagram results

    Next Steps

    The Degreed Connector is the fastest and easiest method for Degreed customers to access Skillable labs. Contact your learning administrator to find out if this is currently available to you. You can also reach out to Skillable's customer support team for more information.

    Related Topics

    Please refer to the following documents for more information

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