Creating Custom Courses
    • 12 Aug 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read

    Creating Custom Courses

    Article summary

    Courses are the building blocks of most training in the Skillable TMS. For example, they are used in Classes, Course Assignments, Subscription, and Learning Paths to deliver the learning content. Creating a course may be complex depending on the permission set within your roles and the activities and attributes you want to include. This article will cover how to build a basic course with no content; adding Activities and setting other attributes will be covered in other articles.

    Create a Course

    To create a course, select Create Course in the Courses group on the Admin menu. This opens the Create Course page.

    Required Fields

    The Basic Information tab contains many properties for the course. Only a few are required. To create a basic course, use these fields:

    NameEnter the name for the course. This will be used for course assignments and will be the default name for classes.
    Content ProviderSelect Choose, then in the Choose Content Provider dialog, search for and select the Content Provider to assign to the course and select OK. This sets content categories and is a legacy billing field, then select Save.

    You have now created a basic course that can be used for scheduling training.

    Optional or Default Value Fields

    Many fields have default values and/or are optional. Below is an explanation of the main fields and their default values, if present:

    DescriptionVisible in course assignments, the Course Catalogs, the On-Demand browser, and other places where you can search for the course.
    KeywordsHelps students find your course in the Course Catalog. Keywords are separated by commas.
    Profile Image URLSets the URL of an image to appear on the Course Profile page as well as other browser locations. The image should be in a large format like 16X9.
    OrganizationIdentifies the organization that owns the course. It defaults to your organization.
    ProgramDetermines a range of permissions around classes and course assignments for users. The standard default program is Training.
    DurationThis field impacts how classes that use the course will be billed. Make sure it accurately reflects the duration of the course activities and instruction. This will default to 5.
    Training DaysSets the default number of sessions when a new class is created from the course. It defaults to 5, therefore, classes created from it would be 5 sessions, by default. You can change the number here or it can be overridden at the class level.
    DiscussionAssigns a discussion to the course. See Using Discussions to Increase Student Interaction in their Learning for more information on discussions.
    ArchivedSets the course to be unavailable for anyone to schedule future classes or course assignments.
    Auto Archive DateAllows you to input a date for the course to be automatically archived in the future.
    Available Instructor-LedMakes the course available for scheduling classes. It will also default the activities to be visible in classes.
    Available Self-PacedMakes the course available for creating course assignments. It will also default the activities to be visible in course assignments.
    Show on Course CatalogAdds the course to your organization’s Course Catalog if the catalog is turned on.
    FeaturedAdds a Featured flag to the course on Find Courses, Course Catalog, and in subscriptions to help attract attention to it.
    Enable simple course feedbackIncludes a feedback form for users in their class enrollment or course assignment pages.
    Enable achievements for outside organizationsAllows students from outside organizations to earn any achievements tied to the course if they and their organization participate in achievements. For more on achievements, please read Creating Achievements to Motivate Learners.

    There are many options such as different types of activities that you may want to add. The following articles will help you with those options:

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